day in the life with ptsd

Start from the beginning

"Dobby! Pway!" Coralei says as Dobby sits next to Coralei.

RJ grabs the vlog camera and begins to film himself.

"Good morning! It is seven thirty in the morning. I am up with Dobby, Coralei and Theodore. You can see them playing together. It has been a long night. Will and I were watching tv, Theodore was a little fussy because he is teething but we got him asleep. Then, Coralei came in because she couldn't sleep after having a nightmare. And then Benji came in and he had a horrible PTSD nightmare. Benji had a rough night with nightmares and PTSD. I felt so awful for him. Benji and Will are still upstairs sleeping." RJ says as he sits on the floor with Coralei and Theodore.

Coralei crawls into RJ's lap and hugs him. She then lays her head on RJ's shoulder.

"Hi, princess! Whatcha doing?" RJ says as he kisses Coralei.

"Pwaying tea party with Dobby!" Coralei says with a smile.

"Dobby always sits with Coralei and Theodore, it's so cute." RJ says as he pets Dobby.

"Ba ba da da." Theodore says as he begins to gnaw on his teething keys.

"Hi, handsome little guy! He has three teeth already and more are coming in! No wonder he can't sleep. Baby Tylenol has been a life saver that's for sure!" RJ says as Theodore giggles.

RJ plays with Coralei and Theodore until Will and Benji come down.

An hour later, Will and Benji walk downstairs.

"Bubba!" RJ and Coralei say happily as Benji and Will walk over to them.

"Benji, pway!" Coralei says and Benji hugs RJ.

"Let Benji wake up first, Coralei." Will says as he kisses Coralei and Theodore.

"Are you feeling better?" RJ asks Benji and Benji shrugs his shoulders.

"I feel okay." Benji says as he rubs his eyes.

RJ kisses Benji's cheek and rubs his back. Coralei then walks over and hugs Benji, making RJ and Will awe.

"Wuv you, bubba!" Coralei says and Benji smiles.

"Love you too!" Benji says to Coralei.

"Are you guys hungry?" Will asks Coralei and Benji.

"Ya!" Coralei says as she jumps up and down.

"Yes, I am, Daddy!" Benji says with a grin.

"Me too!" RJ says making Will laugh.

Will kisses RJ and hugs him before going into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Do you guys want waffles or eggs?" Will asks the kids.

"Eggs!" Benji and Coralei say in unison.

"Eggs it is!" Will says as he begins to cook breakfast.

Will films a time lapse of himself making scramble eggs and toast for the kids.

"Breakfast has been served. Coralei and Benji love eggs and toast." Will says as he films Coralei and Benji.

"Will is the best cook! Thank you, babe." RJ says as he kisses Will's cheek.

"You're welcome! Also, Theodore loves rice cereal. Don't you, baby boy?" Will says as he feeds Theodore another bite of rice cereal.

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