( xxix. ) i trust you

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Saying goodbye has never been an easy thing for the two teenagers.

As they stood in front of each other, not knowing when they'd see each other again, it was suddenly very difficult to keep their emotions together.

"G-good luck at the interview," Aria muttered, choking on her words. She wasn't all that sad about the fact Finn was leaving, it was just the fact that he only got to stay one night; and that she never got the chance to tell him anything about her feelings during that time.

"Thanks." Finn replied, ducking his head down. His previous thoughts had been rolling through his mind the entire morning — even continuing when he was standing on the doorstep, about to leave the beautiful girl in front of him.

"When will I see you again?" The blonde asked the question they both feared to know the answer of. Finn honestly had no idea, but he knew it wouldn't be any time soon. There was a large possibility that by the time he could finally get away from filming, she would have long forgotten about her feelings for him, and vice versa.

"I... I don't know," the boy trailed off, too afraid to share his true thoughts with her.

Aria nodded, completely understanding his reluctance. He was famous after all — and a singer — he had no time for silly friendships, or relationships on the side. He had seasons of amazing shows to film, with amazing girls and amazing friends.

There was very little chance he'd have much time to spend on his phone, talking to some random girl who lived states away.

Although Finn wanted to say he thought the complete opposite, he couldn't, really. Of course he didn't think Aria was 'some random girl' and there was absolutely no way he could just leave her like that, but he didn't exactly have a choice. Filming takes time, work, and effort. Lots of it, at that.

As much as he wanted to stay with this sweet girl for months longer, staying up at late hours of the night talking about random things that, sometimes, didn't make sense, he couldn't. It just wasn't an option and they both knew that.

The boy knew he would see the girl again, but the question as to when — or how — was currently unanswerable.

"Aria?" He spoke up. His mother silently motioned that they had to go any minute now.

The girl in front of him looked up at him and her sad blue eyes met his, "Yeah?"

"I will see you again," Finn started. "I know I will, and I won't let anyone get in my way."

The corner of Aria's lips tugged upwards. A rosy color painted over her cheeks. "I know," she whispered due to their close proximity. "I trust you."

"I have to go now." He spoke, taking one of her hands in his. "I wish we could've had more time together."

She nodded. "Me too," her smile left. "Goodbye, Finn."

He shook his head, "don't say goodbye. Say 'see you later'."

She smiled in approval, "see you later."

"See you later." Finn repeated, slowly stepping off her doorstep and climbing into Jaeden's mother's red Jeep.


Aria knew she wasn't allowed, but she couldn't hold back. Her and Finn both secretly knew their weak attempt at a goodbye wasn't enough, and she was bound to change that.

So as she ran as fast as she could — which wasn't very fast due to her short legs — to the airport, which was a thirty minute drive from her home. She was just hoping he was still there.

Finn's flight was in fifteen minutes and currently Aria was twenty minutes away. The girl knew what she wanted, and she didn't know what she would do if she didn't obtain just that.

So she sprinted, pushing past her limits of energy and possibly harming herself. She took in sharp breaths as she tried her best to make it in time.

Finn, on the other hand, was currently enjoying a sugary pretzel, trying to make the best of his time without her. Yes, he was sad, but he didn't want to let that slow him down. Especially so close to the filming dates. The table reads had already been finished, so all that was left was to film. They would be starting soon and if Finn was in a sour mood then he wouldn't be at the best of his abilities.

There were about two minutes until his flight and he couldn't wait to get out of Pennsylvania. He was very sad to leave Aria — and Jaeden, of course — but he knew getting out would be better. Then he wouldn't feel guilty about being in the same state as the girl, and not being able to see her at the same time.

It was then when he heard a small shout of his name, and turned to see a small figure sprinting down the large hall of the airport, straight towards him. It took the boy a moment to realize who it was, immediately dropping his pretzel and engulfing her in a tight hug when she reached him.

The two hugged for a good thirty seconds, taking in the smell of each other while the girl caught her breath. When they finally released, however, she did something that he didn't expect at all.

It was then, at 2:29 pm on a Tuesday afternoon, that Aria Martin leaned in and pressed her lips to Finn's own lips, and he didn't let one moment go unnoticed.

Although he was taken by surprise, he kissed back with as much force humanly possible, wanting the girl to know she wasn't alone in what she felt, and he would do whatever it took to make her happy.

It was then, at 2:30 pm on a Tuesday afternoon, that Finn Wolfhard was more tempted than ever to miss his flight to Atlanta, Georgia and show up completely late to filming his biggest tv show gig for Netflix.

"Your lips taste like sugar," Aria whispered, and they both laughed lightly, taking in the immense happiness they shared. "Goodbye, Finn."

It was then, at 8:18 pm on a Wednesday night—November 1, 2017 to be exact—that this story ended; and it was then, at 8:19 pm on a Wednesday night, that the author cringed herself into a coma where she dreamt of nothing but deleting her entire existence.

so, that happened.

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