( xxviii. ) falling quickly

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I woke up with a sleeping girl in my arms, mouth slightly hung open while she slowly breathes in. I furrow my eyebrows in the slightest, wondering when we fell asleep.

I look around the room for any sort of clock. A small round alarm clock on her bedside table quickly helps, and I come to realize it's 12 pm.

My eyes widen as I double-check the time. How the hell did we sleep for so long? I thought. I never sleep in past 9.

I decide to leave Aria to her sleep, for she didn't let her eyes rest until very late, and I carefully get off of her bed without waking her. I freeze in horror when she slightly turned. I was scared I may have been too quick with my actions, but to my surprise she continued to snooze on.

I tiptoe out of her bedroom, slowly closing the door behind me, and walk down the stairs. I immediately smell food — of what kind, I have no idea — and walk towards the kitchen. A teenage girl who looks about the same age as Aria stands in front of a stove with a spatula in hand.

"Hello." I say. I apparently surprised her considering she jumps out of her skin.

"Jesus Christ, who the hell are you?" The blonde girl shouts, seeming to have no idea that there's a sleeping beauty upstairs.

"Uh, I'm Finn. And you are?"

"Oh," the girl replies, dragging on the word for more time than needed. "You're Aria's friend that she never shuts up about, yeah. I'm her sister, Natalie."

"Nice to meet you," I say. I sheepishly ignore what she said about Aria.

"Have you been sleeping this whole time? Where's Aria?" She asks, not giving me any time to answer one question before she asks another.

"Yes, we have, and she's still asleep." I reply, sitting down in a stool at the kitchen bar.

"I'm making lunch, if you want something." She offers politely. However, she doesn't seem to enjoy the thought that she may have to slave away at the stove some more.

"No, thank you. I'm not very hungry." I lie, not wanting to be a burden.

"Finn?" I hear from upstairs. I immediately recognize the voice as Aria's. "Where are you?"

I walk towards the stairs, running my hand through my mop of terribly tangled hair, "I'm right here."

"How long have you been up?" She asks, slowly walking down the stairs while yawning.

"Not long, I literally just came down here." I reply. I notice how she ducks her head down — probably insecure about how she looks in the morning.

"Want something to eat or drink?" She steps on the floor next to me and the height difference between us becomes very noticeable.

"Just water please," I follow her into the kitchen, watching as she fills two glasses.

"Are you sure you don't want anything else? I'm having cereal, so you won't be alone or anything." Aria shrugs as she reads past my lies.

"I'm goo—" I start before being completely cut off by a large grumble that happens to be coming from my stomach.

"What kind would you like?" She asks with a short laugh, pulling out two bowls.

"Whatever's fine," I mutter. I was embarrassed of how loud my stomach is, "I'm not picky."

"Cinnamon Toast Crunch it is." She smiles. She pours out the cereal and asks if that's enough.

After eating in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, Aria's sister joins us.

"So, Finn." Natalie raises an eyebrow. "What's your story? Other than y'know — being famous and all."

"Uh, I'm from Canada—" At this the girl scoffs, shaking her head jokingly and I let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm sixteen, visiting my friend for interviews and stuff. I like to eat, play video games, and explore, I guess. Oh yeah, I'm also in a band."

"Wow, you're lame." The younger girl jokes, finishing her food.

"Natalie, don't be rude!" Aria huffs. She places her head in her hands.

"What? Defending your boyfriend?" Natalie jokes again as she stands from her seat.

Aria sighs, sending a short apology my way.

"It's fine, seriously. It's actually pretty funny, I like her." I smile, placing my hand on her's reassuringly before awkwardly taking it off, realizing how stupid that was.

Aria blushed at my sudden gesture. She then attempted to cover it up, "more than you like me?"

"No," I say, and she raises an eyebrow, "I don't think I like anyone more than I like you." I whisper, not intending for her to hear it.

"W-what?" She stutters, widening her eyes.

"Hm?" I reply, staying oblivious.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, um, nothing important. Just reminding myself to get m&m's before my flight." I choke out. It's obvious she doesn't believe my lie, but she saves me the trouble of having to explain myself which would only lead into further embarrassment.

Sadness suddenly takes over her features, which makes me unintentionally frown. "When's your flight, again?"

"Uh, tomorrow." I answer, recounting the multiple times my mother told me when we were leaving, "Why?"

"Just wondering." She slumped. She picked up her now empty bowl and carried it to the sink, along with mine.

"Thanks," I mutter, lightly drumming my fingers on the counter in front of me.

"For what?" She furrows her eyebrows, walking towards me and leaning against the counter.

I follow her actions, "taking my bowl, and y'know, everything else."

"Oh, it's no problem at all. Really. You're welcome here any time," she smiles — a genuine smile.

"I wish I could stay longer." I sigh, closing my eyes.

"Yeah, me too." She leans her head against my shoulder which makes my stomach erupt in butterflies.

And that's when I realize: I'm falling, and I'm falling quickly. This blue-eyed girl beside me is slowly becoming my entire world; slowly becoming my entire universe. I've only known her for a short while, and we're only so young, but none of that matters to me. All that matters to me is her, but I know she'll never feel the same way. I'm a terrible person, and she's complete perfection. I may never be good enough for her, and I know that. But I have to try.

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