"You can do that" Meredith asks

"No, even if you can remove it..." Callie begins to say

"Oh I can" I interrupt

"Well he's left with a gaping whole in his head. No skull, no skin to cover it" she says

"I fix brains. I give you your soft gooey center. The hard candy shell is your department" I sigh

"No, there's no way to close it. Not even a rotational flap. There's nothing to work with here and a wound that size, when his immune system is already compromised, that could kick him off the transplant list" Callie says

"We have less than 24 hours before we lose the kidney, so Wilson and Edwards I need ideas. Crazy ideas, smart ideas. Give me anything that will close Mr. Jaffee's head so he can survive this surgery. Go. Hit the books. Find me something" she says

"Absolutely" they say before leaving the room

"Dr. Grey should I look too, or ..." Penny asks as Meredith begins to leave the room

"Blake. No, you should, um, go monitor the donor. Do that" Meredith says before leaving and a couple seconds later Callie and Penny leave the room as well. As the day passed we continued to try to find a solution for our patient with no luck so we agree to just resume looking for a solution the next day. It was now the end of the day and time to go home, so I changed out of my scrubs before waiting for Jackson.

"You ready" I ask as Jackson walks over the front desk where I'm standing

"Yeah" he smiles kissing me before we leave to go home.

"I just don't understand how Callie can even stand to be with Penny, I mean her and Derek were friends and she knows that Penny is part of the reason Derek died. It's just unbelievable that she's still dating her" I shake my head as Jackson and I sit in the kitchen eating dinner

"Sweetheart, you need to stop stressing yourself out about the situation. I understand why it's frustrating, but you getting yourself upset about it isn't going to help anyone" he says

"I know, it's just so hard when I have to see her everyday at work and then I have to hear Callie complain about how she's being treated. Like we owe Penny something when we don't" I sigh

"I know, it's going to take you some time to get used to everything, but I don't want to see you stressed. It's taken so much time for you to start to feel happy again and I don't want Penny or anyone else messing that up. It's not worth it" he says taking my hand into his

"You're right, Avery" I say. As much as I hated having to work with Penny and deal with hearing Callie constantly talk about her, there is nothing I can do about it and she's not worth any stress. My main focus is my husband and my job and I just need to remind myself of that. Jackson and I finished dinner before taking a shower and going to bed. The next morning we got up and left for work where I had to resume trying to think of a solution for the patient with a tumor that also needed a kidney transplant.

"A skull transplant" I question as I walk into C.T. with Stephanie following behind to consult with Meredith, Jo, Callie, and Penny

"Our kidney donor is a perfect match for Mr. Jaffee, which means that he's also a match for the skull and scalp" Jo explains

"Lower risk of rejection" Meredith says

"He's everything" Jo says

"We'll have all the vascularized bone and skin that we need from the donor" Callie says

After The Storm (Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora