Something There That Wasn't There Before - Chapter Eight

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Happy New Year! 2017 in many ways has been a shit show in many different ways but we have so many things to be grateful in this beautiful world and be proud of ourselves because we got through it all. We've all faced some rough times in different ways but we got here and we're alive, so that's what matters. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate it. I'm updating this chapter in the 31st of December rather than the 1st if January because I'm going to be so hungover I may as well just not move all day, but enjoy the new year! I hope 2018 brings you the best of luck and the end of Donald Trumps presidency. Enjoy the chapter!

After extensive digging, utmost persuasion and a lot of bribing, Shiro finally managed to talk with Allura about Lance's interest.

It really shouldn't have taken that long to get information from the teapot, given the circumstances, but alas, it did. If she wasn't spending time with Lance, she was running around the house, sorting everyone out, getting the teacups to sleep at the end of the day. Pouring the tea, spending more time with Lance. Getting any time with Allura was virtually impossible unless your name is Lance McClain.

She adored that boy, she really did. For the longest time, she'd always wanted a little brother, a best friend. Someone to share stories with, someone to vent to, talk about their day. Be themselves. Lance established that he had five other siblings, but Allura could count herself part of the family.

Given her relationship with Lance, she wasn't ready to spill his secrets and interest with Shiro, no matter how much she loved him.

"Allura." He whined. This had been going on all day and night. The sun was beginning to rise for a new day, and he had to report back to Keith with at least a little bit of information.

"Shiro." She responded, a witty grin on her face.

"Please. Just tell me what Lance likes."

"Give me a reason and I shall." She said bitterly to her friend. "I am a woman of honour, Shiro. I do not go giving out information of the people who trust me. I haven't done it for Keith and I won't do it for Lance."

"Just a little bit." He begged.




"I'll do your jobs for the day." Shiro bargained. Allura turned to look at him with interest, and that well known look of deviance.

"Give me a good reason and you can have my knowledge and my jobs." Allura fought.

"And people wonder why I'm stressed." Mumbled Shiro under his breath, tilting his head back as far as he could to gaze at the ceiling, wondering what he had done in his past life to receive this punishment.

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" He quickly defended. Allura would metaphorically have his head if he said anything else. He is the royal advisor but Allura's the one with the power. "Keith wants to do something for Lance. We know nothing about him, but you do."

"Awe! That's so sweet of him! I'm so glad he's finally making an effort." The teapot stood and pondered for a moment. She knew a lot about Lance. The names of his siblings, nephews and nieces. Knew the song his mother used to sing to him. Knew about his 'relationship' with the village dipshit; Lotor. He works at the apple farm. He likes long baths and the scent of lavender. And... books.

"I got it!" Announced the teapot. She knew that not only would Lance love it, but Keith would too. They'd have it ready in two hours.

For those two hours, Keith didn't sit down once. He kept wondering if he had anything stuck in his teeth. Did his hair look okay? How did that rip get there? Has anyone noticed the broken arm chair? He should fix that arm chair. When there wasn't an issue with the beast, there was an issue with something else. He should help. Should he help? Yes, he should help.

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