"It's obvious isn't it? Chris and Josh's parents must own those."


"Yeah. Chris is supposed inherit the Harrison Memorial Hospital chain. While Josh runs Walter's Research facility. Those businesses have been around for many generations so I'm assuming they married into the business. Independently, they were good. But since they linked up it's like their net worth blew up. Walters is a leading research facility in medicine and with it pairing up with the most prestigious hospital gave them each a lot of benefits."

"Why would they align with an architecture company?"

"The hell if I know. I'm not a business major remember?"

"I never expected Andre to have so much," I said. "He always seems so humble. He works a lot just to pay for school and his apartment."

"Didn't you say he lived a hard life? Maybe that's what makes him humble. He doesn't flaunt his new found family wealth because he's been on the other side. Girl you got yourself a real one."

"I don't get why he didn't tell me. I mean, I don't really care he's about to be the CEO of a major business but it kind of feels like I'm seeing just how little I know about him."

"I mean, did you tell him everything about yourself?"

"Well...no but-"

"You guys are still new in the dating stage. You both are entitled to keeping personal things personal. Would knowing change anything?"

"I guess not," I mumbled. "But I would've liked to have known you know? It kind of feels like he doesn't want to tell me anything."

"Andre is the type of person who will only tell if you ask. How's he supposed to know you feel like that if you don't say anything? He's not a mind reader."

"You're right," I said. "I'm just reading too much into it. Don't mind me. And we're not-"

"Bitch yes you are! Like I ain't hear all that moaning the other night. And the nights before that."

I blushed. "That was the TV."

"Bitch I can't stand you," she laughed. I laughed with her.

"I guess I can't exactly deny it now huh?" I chuckled. It's been weeks since that night and Andre has given me head numerous times since then. And it seems every single time is as good if not better than the last. I'm a bit hesitant with going all the way with him and feeling a bit guilty of not being able to show him some pleasure every once in a while. "Who would've guessed I got a guy like Andre? It feels like a dream you know."

"I know what you mean," April sighed. "It's not every day you run into guys like them huh? I mean, most guys don't like to admit their love for big girls. Or they're all for it online somewhere."

"Seriously," I said. "I mean, what's wrong with loving a big girl?"

"You know what," she rolled her eyes. "Everyone is afraid of being judged. If a guy says he likes big girls then he's pressured into thinking that he can only pull 'fat' girls. No one can be big and beautiful."

"Society sucks," I grumbled. "Do people not realize us big girls have feelings? Is this just a part of human nature? Scrutinizing a group that is different from you? I mean it's everywhere. Slavery, segregation, light skin vs. dark skin, white vs. black. Why can't people just be unique and beautiful in their own way?"

"It won't help just questioning it. Anyways, what you about to do for the break?" It's been about three weeks since our last break and now we can finally go on Thanksgiving break.

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