misfortune [12]

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"Human relations are like chemical reactions. Once you have a reaction, you can never turn back to your previous state of being."
ㅡKaneki Ken, Tokyo Ghoul

"ㅡKaneki Ken, Tokyo Ghoul

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"Recommence, she said." Ayato sighed as he tried to explain what's going on to a few more of their allies.

A lot had happened since the attack on Anteiku three years ago. But it was extremely peaceful. Exactly like the calm before the storm.

"Get back to business, something like that?" Hiroko passively suggested.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Nishiki complained.

Everyone perked up a bit when someone entered the room that everyone was in. It was you of course. The only presence, commanding enough with only your existence.

"Questions?" You started as you slumped back on a couch. Unlike the living room, this room served like a meeting room so the couches where pushed nearer each one. No center table, and a single side table with a flower vase.

"What's the plan?" Touka asked.

It would've been unthinkable for Touka and Ayato to be in one room and peace still remained intact. But with you there, no one would dare act impulsively. Ayato could remember how you charged straight into Aogiri hideout and snatched him out forcefully. You almost beat him to death until he was forced into submission. But now, he was more than thankful to have escaped the clutches of that organization. You were the better evil boss.

"Aogiri is making a move soon." You replied. Causing Ayato to flinch just as he was thinking of that organization.

"How do you know?" Kaneki asked timidly.

Kaneki had been improving in terms of power quite steadily. But his attitude and behaviour wasn't anywhere far from how he originally used to. Though he might've developed a little mental fortitude since that issue with Tsukiyama.

He was fooled by the cunning Gourmet into entering the den of lions. He was almost turned into ghoul meal but he managed to escape the near death experience when Tsukiyama decided that he didn't want to share. The only thing left was for you to intervene when Tsukiyama almost did eat Kaneki for himself. Now, it seems that the perverse man has the delusion to make a meal out of not only Kaneki, but you who intrigued him as well.

"It's a gut feeling." You answered, yawning right after.

"You still suck at strategy meetings." Someone who just entered remarked.

You focused your sight onto the two figures who just entered the room. They both sat down as well but not before you made one of them stand back up to close the door.

"This is not a strategy meeting anyway, Uta-kun." You answered.

After the attack on Anteiku, you initially decided go off on your own. After you wreaked havoc, killing a lot of the CCG, your sanity came back to you, and you wanted to cut ties with those around you to make sure that won't get involved should the time come when the Death God catches up to you.

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