Part 15

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Dean's Pov

It has been almost 5 months now since I left my family in heaven. They have been checking in and out on me every other day. Now every time they ask me am I ready to go home but every time I say no not yet and I'm right I'm not ready to go home yet. I enjoy the hunt to much and I'm not ready to give that up not yet.

Right now I am hunting a demon called Crowley me and Sam tried to catch him before but we never could. So now that I'm on my own I'm hunting him down like the rat he is and I'm loving it so much. Right now I'm in the town Missouri where I heard rumours of him being sighted by other hunters. I am not just leaving my hotel from getting ready and having breakfast m and I am now ready to hunt again.

Once leaving the hotel I drove Straight into town where I followed the crowd of people with dark clothes. As that is what Crowley loves to see people wearing. When I got to the dark clothing people I parked my car and I got out and walked towards the area I needed to go. I thought everything was going fine with me getting to the place I need but then something happened something I wasn't expecting.

As soon as I realised I was being followed and that I was in deep shit I took my gun out of my pocket. Then I aimed it in front of me and I walked straight hoping to get to the end of the street without having to use it. I walked and I walked and then suddenly I was grabbed from behind and pulled back. As I was pulled back my gun was flung out of my hand and across the street. At that point I was freaked out as I knew nothing could help me now.

When I was pulled back into the person that had grabbed me I let out a yell and said what the fuck do you want demon. I said demon because that man had a demon like smell to him without me having to even have to see his eyes.

The demon then said I want you Dean I want you to be mine. At that point right then I recognised the demons voice and I knew right then it was Crowley. I also knew Without a doubt I was in deep shit. Then he knocked me over the head with something heavy and it knocked me out cold.

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