Operation Save the Damsels

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Sang Sorenson's POV

The images I saw on the genius' computer were bloodcurdling. The school itself was a prison where freedom goes to die. Just looking at it made my soul drop to my stomach violently. But, the images of the gym, those were the worst.

A man stood in front of a tattooed giant and punched him repeatedly in the abdomen. I watched the feed, helpless to stop the pain he must be in. An ache formed in my heart, having to watch someone else's pain, unable to stop it or ease it in any way was unbearable. Although I couldn't be sure, I think the giant smirked. SMIRKED. Who smirks while being punched into oblivion? That guy must be crazy. Note to self...

Unfortunately, the audio was inaccessible, I am good with computers but I am beginning to think this guy might be my match. It was all I could do to access the footage, the audio was absolutely impossible. And I hate that word. IMPOSSIBLE. Ugh. So I am slightly bitter. I swear I'm going to teach that overprotective boy genius a lesson. Then maybe, only maybe, will I compliment his work.

STAY FOCUSED, SANG. Right. After I was able to tear my eyes away from the smirking giants pain, I was able to count 14 men tied to chairs in the gym. Although all members were accounted for, I messaged Phil immediately to let him know his services would be required. While I cracked the boy genius' cameras, they were still grainy and kept trying to throw me out every few seconds. I couldn't hold onto them for long, but I held on long enough to know they were in bad shape.

After a few minutes of war with this pride destroying computer code, I gave up trying to hack it anymore. I had the location, the gym, and I saw that all members were alive, which seemed like a good place to start. I informed Phil of my discoveries and told him I would be scooping out the gym in person and would text him when I needed him. With the text sent, I made my way out of the apartments and towards my car. I threw a few parting words to the receptionist about my boyfriend being happy to see me, just to keep my cover, and then got in my car and drove to the school.

Which leads me to the here and now, silence. The most powerful war cry. I keep this in mind as the only sound I make as I leave my car is the Mission Impossible theme song in my head. I park two blocks away from the school, plan in place, smile on my face. I quickly recheck my weapons and after noting that they are all in place and loaded I make sure to grab my favorite weapon of all. After strapping Karma, my red oak staff, to my back, I am ready. I hope I am able to handle any problems with only Karma on my side, I do not like to use guns or knifes. Those outcomes are too permanent for my liking.

Now for my favorite part, sneaking. After diligently studying the pictures of the building, I saw there was a window above the bleachers of the gym that seemed easily accessible from the outside. If all goes to plan, I could scale the wall and shimmy through the window, which will place me close enough to the bleachers to maneuver around under. Let Operation: Save the Damsels commence.

As stealthily as possible, I make my way to the window on the east side of the gym, careful to avoid the crunchy leaves along the way with my boots. I should have gone barefoot... Crouching against the wall under the window, I listen for any sound coming from inside. Frowning at the lack of noise, I step back to reexamine the wall I need to climb. The building is in need of repair, which is good for me, because the wall has cracks and broken bricks I can easily work my feet into. The window isn't that far off the ground anyways. I make a running leap to get as far up as I can on the building, hitting the building softly, silently.

Making my way up, I notice the window is already open, with noise coming from inside. Momentarily distracted by my luck, I tone in to just barely make out, "This is ridiculous. They aren't saying a damn thing. Let's just get rid of them. I'm done wasting my time here." The voice was male, nasally, and annoyed. I waited patiently for the reply, adjusting my grip on the wall, but the man just kept talking, "Fine! Whatever." I was close enough to the window to risk a quick glance. I watched as a pudgy man with a rusty mustache slammed his phone into his pocket, mumbling. He threw a scathing look at the tattooed giant with his watery eyes and yellowish skin before turning to someone else in the room out of view, "I'm leaving. Watch them and let me know if something changes." Then the watery eyed man turned towards what I assume to be the entrance of the gym. 

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