Ch.10 Death

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"Selina, open the door please!" Selina shifted, and her eyes fluttered open at the sound of knocking, and her mom's voice. Then she noticed christian getting up from the bed.

"Could you get that please Christian?" Selina asked him. She was so tired.

"Of course. You get some rest baby." He leaned over the bed and pecked her lips. Selina smiled up at him. She was very glad to have them. She stared at him as he left. Once he did, she closed her eyes.

"Oh, hello Christian." Selina heard her mom's annoyed voice.

"May I help you Mrs. Ma-" Christian was cut short.

"Miss. Marie, please." She could hear the smugness of her voice.

"May i help you Miss. Marie." Selina heard Christian mutter in clenched teeth.

"Could you get my daghter for me please. I would very much love to congragulate her." She heard her mom say in a bright voice. Selina stood up from the bed, before she saw Christian poke his head inside.

"Baby, your mom is here. What do you want me to do?" He asked, a worried experession on his tan face. His blue eyes were darker.

"I'll go see what she wants." Selina muttered as she dragged her tired feet to the door.

"Selina!" Selina looked up from her feet, and saw her mom jump in what seemed joy. As she approaced her, Selina took an involuntary step back. Her mom caught that.

"Aww...common sweetie, no hard feelings right?" She looked hurt at that. Selina wasn't too sure, but just nodded. "Great!" Then she hugged Selina tight. Selina didn't hug back. Selina faced Christian and she could see him tensed up.

"Kay mom. What did you come here for?" Selina asked suspiciously. 

"I came to see my new granddaughter, of course." Zafina smiled at her.

"Umm...It was a boy, so its a grandson." Selina mumbbled. 

"Then can I see my new grandson?" She asked excitedly.

"I'll go get him." Christian offered, turned, and walked back into the bedroom. A couple of minutes later, he came walking out with little Xavier in his arms.

"Aww...he lookes so cute," but then she narrowed her eyes. "He lookes like Christian." 

"Yes, he looks so beautiful." Selina sighed. 

"Can I hold him?" Zafina asked. She seemed excited to be able to see her grandson.

"I guess so. Christian, let her have the baby. No harm will be done." Selina nodded her head towards her mom. Christian was reluctant, but finally passed the baby into the waiting arms of Zafina.

"What's his name?" She asked while cradeling the child.

"Remember the show I used to watch when I was a little kid? Well, I named him Xavier. From the main characters." Selina sighed.

"But I remember that Xavier was a twin with Jerimiah." Zafina mummbeld.

"Yeah. I had twins, but one of them died while I was in labor. Xavier's umbilical cord was wrapped around his brother's neck." Selina's lip trembled, and Christian came up beside her to give her a big hug. Selina buried her face into his chest.

"That's too bad. But anyway, i'm leaving, bye now. You don't mind me taking the baby do you? No? Thank you, bye." Zafina blew a kiss to both of them, and hurried out of the house. Selina and Christian were frozen in shock. 

It wasn't until they heard the car door slam, did Christian make the first move. 

"That bitch!" Christian roared. Selina sheided away from him. Christian gave her an apologetic look.

"Go get her Christian." Selina whispered. Christian nodded his head, grabbed his keys, and ran out the door into his car. Selina made an attempt to follow him, but he just held his hand out to stop her.

"No, you need to stay here. I love you Selina, don't forget that." he smiled at her and they kissed each other. Then Christian turned around and left.

"I love you too! Don't forget it!" Selina called out after him.

When his little white Saturn turned the corner at full speed, Selina felt afraid. She felt afraid something was going to happen.

"My mom is one crazy bitch." Selina sighed, making her way towards the bedroom. Selina sat back down on the bed, her heart thumping very fast. She took a couple of deep breaths, and her heartbeat started to slow down. Then, Selina felt so tired. 

"I need rest. Please, Christian, make it home safely with Xavier." She whispered, and fell backwards.


Selina's eyes fluttered open. 

How long have i been sleeping? Selina wondered, while she was getting up. She looked around trying to find Xavier and Christian. 

"Not here?" Selina mumbbled to herself, but then brightend up. "He probably took him out." She turned on the bed, and turned on the T.V. 

The news.

"Bori-" Selina was cut short by one particular news.

"Here we have a horrible car crash. Apparently, both cars had been going at a faster speed than recommended." A woman reporter was talking to the camara in a navy blue suit, and skirt. "The woman going in front, passed a red light, and a trailer slammed into the side of the car, according to the police here behind us, the woman had a baby in the car, and she wasn't wearing her seat belt. Neither the woman or baby survived. The little white Saturn was also going at a high speed, and tried stopping, but it was too late, and just smashed into the side of the trailer, the driver wasn't wearing a seat belt either, and flew out the-"

Selina didn't wait for the reporter to finish. She ran out the door, not bothering to put on her shoes.


"We currently see a woman running into the crash scene. But the police are stopping her right now. We wonder if she's related." The same woman announced.

Selina wasn't listening, for she was struggling to get out of the grasp of the police officer holding her waist.

"Please!" Selina cried. "It's my mom, my baby, and my fiancee!" Selina was begging, kicking her legs to free herself.

"We're sorry miss, but we cant just let you in." He replied. Selina stopped struggling.

"At least let me see my family once they get in the body bags." Selina was weak. 

"Of course miss." Selina managed a smile. 

The first body bag.

"Mom," Selina whispered. Her neck had been broken, her face bloody and cut, and a bone jutting out from the side of her rib cage. Then Selina felt the tears slip.

The second body bag.

"No! My baby!" Selina cried. The side of the baby's head had been bashed in. Blood everywhere. Xavier had a couple of broken bones, which Selina could clearly see.

The last body bag.

"Christian." Selina breathed. He was the worst. His eyes open, blue eyes lifeless. A face contorted in fear. Blood everywhere. A bone jutting out of his neck, an arm at a weird angle, missing teeth, cut up face. Selina looked away, she couldn't bear it. 

She fainted.

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