Ch.4 Mistake

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"Wake up Selina!" Selina opened one eye and squinted. Her mom, Zafina, was shaking her awake. "Common, you need to get up and get ready for school."

Selina stood up, yawned, streached, scratched her head, and rubbed her eyes. Selina stood up, and dragged herself into the bathro. She stared at her reflection, and gasped. There was gunk around her eyes, and in her hair, she could see some dandruff. She groaned. Now she would have to take a shower.

"Mom! I'm gonna take a shower before school!" Selina yelled from the bathroom.

"Well, hurry up, the bus gets here soon!" Zafina responded. Selina shuddered. She didn't like how their voices sounded the same. Selina turned on the cold tap water, and then the hot tap. Selina stripped down, and she felt goosebumps on her body. She jumped in and did a quick shower. Selina dried herself, and got dressed.

Just as she finished applying her makeup, her mom yelled out, "Selli! The bus is here!" Selina grabbed her backpack and ran out the door.

"Good morning Selina!" an old bus driver named Gordon greeted her cheerfully, as always.

"Hey Aisha, how's it going?" Selina asked once she sat down.

"Great. How 'bout you?" She asked.

"Alright. Thanks." They always have akward conversations. The girls remained silent the rest of the way. 


"Hey, bitch!" Selina was whipped around by a girl.

"Whats your problem?" Selina shreiked. Selina groaned. It was Linda. The "popular" girl. How Selina hated her.

"I heared you went out with Mr. Sanders last night." Linda frowned. She was tall, skinny, blond hair, high cheekbones, blue, clear eyes, and full red lips. She was beautiful. Selina thought she was an ugly old fag.

"I-I didn't go out with him, I-he was tutoring me!" Selina tried walking another way, but Linda grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Stay away from him!" She growled into her ear.

"What are you talking about? I don't like him, in fact, I think he's ugly." Selina lied. Linda smiled and walked away. That was easy. Selina turned around and bumped into a person dropping her books. She looked up into the face of Mr. Sanders, and blushed. Then Selina was confused. Mr. Sanders looked hurt.

"I-I see, you don't like me." Mr. Sanders pushed past her and walked away. Selina was left there just staring at his back.

"Selina!" Selina was pulled back into reality after she heard her name. Aisha was running after her. "Dude, pick up your books, the bell is gonna ring!"


Selina scrambled to pick up her books and run to her first hour. Once there she sat down and slouched. All through the Math lesson she just sat there staring at nothing.


Second hour. Selina started heading to Science, but then remembered it was English. Crap! Now I have to be stuck in a class with him. Selina thought. She slowly made her way to her English class. When she entered the room she hung her head. Selina took her seat, and heard giggling. Selina whipped her head up and saw Linda flirting with Mr. Sanders. Selina saw his eyes were full of lust. Selina scowled. She stood up to get Linda, but realized her posse was right behind her, so she sat down again. 

"Time to begin the lesson class," Mrs. Darwin clapped her hands and everybody went back to their seats. Selina didn't pay attention to anything, because she was glaring intently at Mr. Sanders. I really dislike you! Selina yelled in her mind.


School was over. Selina grabbed her books and stuffed them into her backpack. She then ran out of her class and met up with her friends. 

"So, did you know Mr. Sanders runs after school?" Aisha asked. 

"No, and I don't give a fuck if he does." Selina turned and walked outside. When she was outside she saw Mr. Sanders running by. I still don't care! Selina thought. Selina started walking down the stairs and into the hidden shortcut between the trees. 

"WATCH OUT!" Selina heared a voice but it was too late. Just as she was rounding the corner onto the gravel road she felt weight behind her. The momentum of the person ramming into her made her go flying, slamming into the floor, and the little rocks cutting her arms from her elbows down on both, and scraping her chin.

"Aw, fuck! Watch where you're going you ass h-OMG! I'm so sorry," Selina saw Mr. Sanders standing above her. Selina was clutching her right elbow and her chin. Then she felt somthing hot running through her fingers. Then she saw Mr. Sander's eyes get wide. 

"I am so sorry Selina!" Mr. Sanders kneeled beside her, and grabbed her arms. Selina looked down and saw her blood on her hands. She felt light headed and knew she was going to faint. 

"Selina! Selina, don't faint on me! Please!" Mr. Sanders picked her up, bride style, and walked back to his car at school. He set her in the backseat and drove. "Where do you live?" he asked

"Huh? I-I don't know, I-I can't think right now, its difficult, it hurts so much." Selina squeezed her eyes and pushed her hand towards her head. It calmed down the headache by a little bit.

"Don't worry, my house is just around the corner, I'll take you there and fix you up." He smiled and pulled up into the driveway.

"Thank you so much." Selina whispered. The last thing she remembered was her getting picked up again, before she fainted.


"AGH!" Selina woke up screaming. She felt stinging on her chin. 

"Shh...don't worry, I fixed up and bandaged your arms, apparently your chin is more sensitive." Mr. Sander's looked at her with kind eyes. Then she remmembered.

"YOU WERE FLIRTING WITH LINDA! How could you?" Selina asked. She was fuming mad.

"Hey, you were the one who said you didn't like me!" Mr. Sanders retorted.

Selina looked down at her bare feet. "I-I do like you a bit." Then she heared Christian laugh. Selina looked up into his beautiful blue eyes, and smiled herself. Then, Selina couldn't help it anymore. She leaned over to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him full on the lips. He tensed a little, then relaxed again. He kissed her back.

Selina took off his shirt. He was tanned, and very muscular. Selina reached to take off the strap from her tank-top off, but he stopped her.

"Selina, I don't think you want to. How about, if you go out with me in a little but, maybe this Saturday?" He asked.

"Yes, yes I would." Selina nodded vigorusly.

Christian laughed, "Maybe I should get you home, so you and I don't  get in trouble. So Saturday, it's set." He stood up and walked towards the door. "And if Linda is giving you any trouble, maybe you should tell me instead of ignoring me."

"So Saturday. And of course I will tell you." Selina stood up, put on her flip-flops, and got into his car to go home.

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