Ch.6 Am I pregnant?

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Selina opened her eyes, but quickly shut them again. The sun was in her eyes.

"Where am I?" Selina racked her memory. The hangover was giving her a headache. Then she remembered. "I'm in Christian's house!" Selina gasped. She quickly turned around, and saw he wasn't there. She uncovered herself, and walked to her duffle bag. She put on some cotton, plaid shorts, and a black tank top.

"Are you up yet?" Selina gasped, and turned around. There he was, wearing sweatpants, and shirtless. He grinned.

"Hi. I totally forgot that I was at your house." Selina giggled.

"Well, I think I reminded you." He smiled, then saw somthing on the floor. "Gee...what dirty room." he bent down to pick up somthing, then stopped. 

"What's wrong Christian?" Selina put her top on, then slid into her underwear. She uncovered herself, and crawled up to what he was staring at. Then she saw it too. The condom was on the floor. Selina looked closer, and saw a hole. 

"OMG! W-what if-what if..." Selina was stuttering. 

"Relax Selina. We dont know when it broke." Then he shrugged. "It could have been when I took it off."

Selina still wasn't convinced. But she didn't want to get all hysterical in his room. She smiled and sat back in the white sheets.

"Do you want breakfast? I made pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon." Christian threw it away, and walked in he bathroom to wash his hands.

"Yeah, sure. Let me just get dressed. Can I take a shower?" Selina asked.

"Go right ahead. You can consider this place as your second home." He smiled then walked out of the room. He closed the door behind him.

Selina sat there, still trying to make sense of what had happened. She went back to the details, the club, dancing, getting drunk, then in his house. She shook her head, and crawled to the floor to find her duffle bag.

"Did i even bring what I need?" She asked herself. "Yes! I did. Now for the shower."


"Hey, you took your time." Christian joked when she got out of the bedroom.

"Yeah, it felt nice." Selina strained a smile. It hurt walking, for she was really sore. He had broken her virginity.

"Come sit down. I must say, I consider myself a great cook. But I also want to know what you think." He smiled and put a plate filled up.He set his plate on the side across her.

Selina tried some of everything.

"Oh wow! Its really good!" Selina smiled, which made Christian smile too.

"You'd better hurry. You have to get home to finish your homework." Christian emphasised the word homework.

Selina groaned, "Don't talk to me about homework!" Then she started laughing.

"Eat fast, then get changed, I need to take you home." He looked at the time.


"Here, drop me off here." Selina pointed to a small purple house, that was five doors down her own pink house. 

"You didn't tell your mom you were comming to see me, did you?" He asked.

"No, but its for the best. I could get grounded, and you could get fired." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and climed out.

"Good-bye! See you tomorrow at school then." He called to her, then drove off. Selina started walking to her house, and greeted her mom. 

Never could Selina imagine, all the problems ahead of her.

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