Chapter Forty

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Ahmad woke up to an irritating tuck on his beard,Safaa never does such a thing to him because she knows he hates it when he's deprived of his sleep,who then is playing with his beard? Ahmad slowly adjust his eyes to the dim light room and a face he never wishes to see as close as that smiled at him,she casted her gaze down her curly eyelashes brushing her cheeks when she realised the way he was staring at her.

He's sure it's a dream but feeling her snuggling to his bare chest made him rip her off his body with a force and then the events of last night began coming back to him vividly.

Oh No!

"What did you put in my drink Zarah?" He was shaking trying his best to control his anger.

He feels like sucking the life out of her.How could she drug and just use him?

Who is she?

"Well what we did is perfectly Halal" She hissed taking her robe to cover her body.

"What?" He whisper-yelled.

"Yeah like finally,You gave me what I want willingly and you kept showering me with words of pure love while doing it"

"You're so shameless and bet me..." He pointed her while getting dressed.

"Won't you let me do that?" She tried helping him with the buttons of his shirt.

"Move away from me,I don't want to hurt you" He said gritting his teeth.

"I feel really happy" She grinned.

"You will regret doing that,worthless woman" He hissed leaving the room looking very murderous and confused.

Zarah smiled wiping a tear,He should hate her as much as he wants to but she's never backing out of this.She will help Mama torment Safaa or else she'll live to regret it.

Safaa took her first and only love away from her.


She struggled to get off the bed but couldn't,she's never felt the kind of pain she's experiencing and it's scaring the hell out of her.What will happen to her now? Her husband hasn't picked any of her calls and going downstairs to call out for help from her Maids seems too taxing because she fears passing out.

She tried his number again crying silently wishing and hoping he'll pick up and come to her aid.It rang and rang and rang but she didn't get any answer so she continued praying for ease until she felt herself slowly drifting into an abyss of darkness,all her pain slowly dissipating.

The experience was a very awful one,for she saw herself trying to save a little baby from a stream,the baby called for her,like she's the one who gave birth to it and she felt a connection to it too,a very strong one.She pulled the baby slowly but a scary woman snatched the baby forcefully making her wail,the woman sped away and left her crying on a desolate pavement by the stream.

Safaa opened her tired eyes and realised she had a dream and the pain she was having before the dream came back anew.

"Ya Salam" She panicked seeing droplets of crimson red stains on the bedsheet.

And it confirmed her fears,she really is going to lose her baby.


Zarah knows she can't easily swerve Ahmad so she resort to tricking him to her bed,she can go to any length to get what she wants and he should be well aware of it but he got swayed just for some minutes because she knows how he hates it when a woman cries,Zarah intentionally made use of his weakness to achieve her aim.

How could he be so stupid?

Why did he trust her?

He kept thinking while walking and to Safaa's apartment.

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