the mandems saved meh

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hello hello frens

its me your favorite turtle cat who's innocent and likes to jump off his bed

anyways let's get on with it

sooo today, i had my last o level paper, paper 42 for maths



like my mark in it


fr tho, it was so hard i was actually like what imma throw this booklet across the room and leave

this girl actually was on the verge of tears when she came outside as i got my bag

it makes me feel a bit better that the rest of the people also fucked up but that's no real excuse

im    s o    t i r e d

i even slept in the afternoon for a bit yet im still tired

maybe i should eat something

nah, i'll wait till dinner

i can't wait to do my sixteen missed retakes this Saturday


please kill me


or choueifat

one or the other just pls

i need to study now bye bye frens

i'll be back tomorrow

bye byeeeee

super trash out-

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