im sed

15 3 44

i feel sed and depressed

im sick and sleepy as fuck

but i have to finish my essays

and my exam revision

finals are next week

im so scared

i feel like i'm gonna mess up everything

it's just not been a good term grades wise for me

and i don't have a lot of hope for the future

i just don't see it getting much better tbh

call me a pessimist it's the truth

will be ded soon but till then

im going to piss all of you by showing you my ugly face because my hair is not FLUFFY

it is okay

not too long

not too short

right around the middle

which is good

certain people believe otherwise

so imma show yall

so imma show yall

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oh yeah lol i trimmed up

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oh yeah lol i trimmed up

my dad forced me to because i'm not

and i quote

"a hooligan looking teenager"

well said dad, well said

on that ankle, yeah, um, boi will need till December-ish to return to playing basketball, or i might rip my ACL and be out for about 3 months on crutches.


so, um, ball later?

fo' sho'

anyhoo, that'll be all for this chapter

i won't really update much next week, because finals are starting for us

so boi gotta pass

see ya!

love yall,

Abdullah ⚡❤️

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