math yay

15 3 46


sick turtle cat here, actually super sick turtle cat

i'm honestly so done with me getting sick

i'm in bed rn and im sneezing so much and my entire body hurts like shit

i can't even move without upsetting sixteen bones at once

i can barely reach the meds on the table next to me

also the medicine gives a weird hollowed high sort of effect

it feels really weird

and i feel really hungry although i just ate

i'm feeling really sick rn but i can't sleep because of math and another essay I have to write

can you see how much fun I have?

I feel sad because the guys in the bus talked about my math mark in the bus and they were laughing and saying stuff like bro don't forget to pass next time

i fell asleep after i cried a bit because of that

well, yall don't need to worry about it

don't worry about me


will let yall know if I die

pls turn up at the funeral

i wish I had more friends

sadly no one likes trash like me so



i gtg, will study and try not to die, but if I do, do not blame me for not trying

toodles frens

I RANT+ I QUESTION + I ANSWER (sometimes)  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ