stupid pricks

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stupid pricks like the people i met at the park today are why i hate stereotypes

we're playing a game of basketball, me and my three mates, one of which is gay, not that we mind, we actually love him a lot

and these guys turn up, about 17 to 16, and are like yo we got next, and we're like okay sure

so we're playing, and of course, this is the park, no one's taking anything seriously

and my gay friend, he gets the ball in the corner, shoots, and scores a great three pointer

and he does this trademark move of jumping in the air with one leg like a anime girl would, and we laugh our asses off, because it's an inside joke

the other team's guy just goes like ugh what a gay dipshit

so it's the first time, we just shut up, and let it slide

so we beat these guys pretty easily, and towards the end, the same guy, he has the audacity to say never knew gay people could do something except suck dick

everyone just stops and stares at him, absolutely shocked

i swear, i wanted to break his face in and send him to the hospital

i wouldn't have given a fuck if the police came

who the fuck do people think they are just to judge anyone and everyone based on their sexualities and behaviour?

you don't even know the person, much less have ever talked to them, why are you saying shit like that?

this isn't just with guys, i've seen it happen with girls as well before, and by girls too

these girls at this party just kept bullying this girl because she was supposedly bisexual, and she was crying her eyes out until my friend and his girlfriend went and slapped them, and took that girl home to her house

they say we want equality, what about the minorities, that we're apparently fighting to the tooth and nail for?

we all support it on public, but in our mind, we hate them, we find them disgusting?

when will we all realize that there are more important issues in the world than people's sexual choices?

world hunger? cancer? poverty?

and out of all that you want to talk about how disgusting this girl is because she kisses other girls and likes the same gender?

can we all just please get our heads the fuck out of our ass and realize the real matters at hand?

i'm fucking tired of these people, and worst thing is, i surround myself with these kind of people, people who i think are good people, yet apparently they get an itch in their nonexistent balls when someone approves on transgenders and gay people

fuck this

im sorry guys

im just too fucking angry to write anything else

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