Chapter 1.

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(This chapter was HELLA rushed. So please don't hate it...don't hate me...i might change it another time but so so sorry!) 

Emmet & Jessica

The party might be recognized as the most lavish one in the city...but shit, was it tedious. Every one of these people were first ranged citizens, living life at it's finest. Sleeping in king-sized beds, waking up to 5-star breakfasts prepared exclusively for them. Sons and Daughters of Big Company's that hold more power over society than the government did; Producers waiting for the consumer to basically give them enough money to bathe in...and the color of their blood? It didn't matter,  they are the government source's of income which means total immunity to any kind of ransom, inclusively death.  But these people don't know what its like to fight for your place.  To wake up every day praying it won't be your last. They haven't been close enough to death to know what living is. 

Needless to say...this little get together they have is fucking garbage. AT least that was the case...until....she walked in. She had the whole room silent. The way she strolled in, so daring. Her chest almost fully exposed in that Wine red dress of hers, Her brown hair sleeked neatly and tucked behind her ears, that soft looking gold skin...but goddamn....Those eyes. Those Hazel Irises that pierced right through your soul, lacing themselves inside your your veins, torturing your soul into a loop of never-ending love for them...Maybe it was just that I felt this phenomenon, I couldn't deny, Her eyes were a striking resemblance to those of Callie.  Almost too much. 

'I glanced over at her and She held those gorgeous eyes stuck to mine. I smiled at her, and I could see her face turning redder, a good few shades. She looked away, Stirring the little stick in her drink nervously. Before I knew it my feet had brought me closer to her presence and without much thought I had my body near hers. 

''I'm Emmet..''

She looked up, utterly astonished. It made me chuckle softly and Yet again her eyes captivated me. It was as if they were a mirror to my very own rooted reminiscence, Memories to my life with Callie. But I must not forget that this, by any means, isn't her. Although I felt that this little bit of clarity was slowly slipping away from my apprehension.  As the crowd murmured and the seconds passed She started to look more and more like her. The worst thing about it was that I couldn't tell if it was excruciating or intoxicating. Simply looking at her made me want to devour every piece, make her crave me and manifest myself inside her composition of existence....and I knew nothing would stop me from doing just That. 

''My name's Jessica''

She spoke delicately, no hint of the boldness she just had embodied.

  Nothing like SHE used to be

Her aura was one anyone was able to read... she showed Vulnerability, she was breakable, Just fragile, Easy to take advantage of. It was at that moment a certain desire had awoken inside of me, it wasn't a pure repercussion to the situation. Not like hers, She was putting her heart in my hands, and everybody knew it. Except for herself. She was naively having faith in me, trusting me to give her the breath she had a longing for. 

I'm sorry

''Well, what brings a girl like yourself to a place like this?'' 

A chuckle erupted from her  It was like one of those a young girl would have had. It ringed with innocence and was somehow able to calm one's mind. 

It wouldn't have fit her at all. 

''My father is a powerful man, let's keep it at that.''

''I see, Well you seem quite powerful yourself.'' 

Once more her, somewhat translucent, cheeks became lightly red...It made me want her more.

''I am not, really...but thank you.'' 

That familiar delphic presence

Be more like her, just a little more. 

I whistled at the bartender and placed a good few benjamin franklins on the counter. 

''One bottle of screaming eagle cabernet sauvignon 1992.''

In the corner of my eye, I saw how she was taken aback by my behavior. The bartender nodded and complimented me on ''how excellent'' my choice was before coming back with a Black bottle with a red top, he placed it in front us carefully. Poured two glasses and gave them to me and Callie. 

I raised my glass. 

''To a beautiful evening and a capable woman like you.'' 

The glasses clinked and so the evening started. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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