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"I hope you learned your lesson, Akashi-kun, good night!" Kuroko called out, followed by the door closing behind him.

"You're such a perfect victim for teasing, Kuroko." I chuckled lightly, wincing at the pain it caused.

God, I feel sorry for the balls that received Kuroko's pass. You might say that he's weak with that short stature and low presence of his, but once you see him playing basketball? You'll eat your words.

Once the pain subsided, I pushed myself away from the wall and straightened my posture. 

You got away this time, Kuroko. But I won't let it happen again.

Walking through the what seemed like an endless hallway, I made my way towards the all too familiar room and sighed in content once the warm, and soothing air hit me.

It felt so good...

I sat on the chair and picked up the unfinished book from earlier.

After reading a few pages from the book, my mind suddenly drifted off to somewhere and I surprisingly lost interest on the book I was reading. Sighing, I closed the cover and placed it on my lap, my eyes falling onto the fireplace, watching as the flames flickered. I placed my arm on the arm rest and rubbed my temple.

What to do...

My fingers drummed against the cover of the book as I absentmindedly hummed an all too familiar tune.


"You're always humming that tune, is it a violin piece?" A certain blue haired boy who sat on a swing next to me, asked.

"I don't think so. I can't recall if it's something that Mother once taught me or if it's just a piece from her collection." I replied, lightly swaying as I watched the clouds at the sky.

"It's just that every time I hear that tune, nostalgia always washes over me. Don't you feel like that as well?"

I turned to look at him, my eyes meeting a pair of curious, innocent deep blue eyes.

"I do. Sometimes."

He smiled at me and giggled softly.

"I know you do."

My lips twitched but the smile never came.

The younger boy sighed as he swayed lightly on his seat.

"I really miss Shiori-san." he whispered.

I closed my eyes and let the fresh wind blow my hair.

"Me too."


My eyes fluttered open and I realized that I've fallen asleep on the chair. My neck was aching and my back was craving the feeling of a soft bed. After letting out a groan, I set the book aside, stood up and cracked my neck, already feeling better than earlier.

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