Chapter Five: I'm Not Broken I'm Just a Broken Hearted Man

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 Just a little detail! Any thing you think that isn't English is deliberately Latin! Yes, deliberatelyely! There isn't anything important in Latin, but I'm sure that if you really want to know what it means that you can look it up on Google translate, unless you would perfer me to put the meaning in [brackets] in italics. Just let me know!

Chapter Five: I'm Not Broken, I'm Just a Broken Hearted Man...

Roe's POV

When I woke up, I felt so... rejuvenated. It was, honestly, the best sleep I can ever remember having. I always have nightmares or I just can't sleep because of my never-ending thoughts of how bad my life has been. I mean, I have to seriously think to be able to remember any decent childhood memories, while others have some that they can think of right off the top of their heads. I just don't understand... Why was I given the rotten egg in the carton? I never did anything to anybody, so I don't see how it could be karma or anything.

I was just the average kid practically abandoned and left with the maids and what not. I rarely saw my parents. They were always on business trips and even when they were home, they locked themselves in their rooms (of course they usually never home more than three days or so.) I would see them at meals, but they were always probing for any news on my grades or social life, and I never had friends to tell them about, so I made some up. There were a lot but I made up four guys that I was really close to. Their names were Jackson, Leroy, Johnathan, and Levi. They were all lovely and I somehow got the maids and people that worked around the house in on it. They pitied me, if anything.

Eventually, I had to make up tons of things to them, but nobody around the house ever said anything. They knew how my parents were. See, it's almost like a line of completely crappy people in my bloodline. I don't know much except that my parents' parents were really inattentive also... maybe even described as cruel- and I'm not just talking about my grandparents here. From where my parents grew up almost like me, they thought that was how parents were actually supposed to raise their kids- kids that they never ever planned on having of course.

I'm not completely sure I should be grateful that my grandmother made my mom keep me, or if she did it just because they would be looked down on even more for abortion, or even adoption. I can't be too sure why, as I had never spoken to anybody I'm actually related to before. I guess the closest word to describe my life until now would be isolated, but who's to say I have to build my future around isolation? I don't think I'll be trusting anybody really ever... but I'll have to socialize with people, no matter how much I dislike it. I don't have to be so depressed when I'm older. I can go to college far, far away and then get a job and maybe, hopefully, even have kids. I'll raise my kids the way it is right, the way that my parents didn't raise me.

 I shook my head from these thoughts and looked around my room and I looked down at what I was wearing and noticed I had been changed out of the cloths I had been in when I passed out into some sweats. It better have been Max, because anybody else would've seen my wounds. That could be bad.

 I jumped as the door opened and I was surprised to see Phoenix. He looked adorably sheepish as he snaked his way to my bed. He was carrying a pill bottle and a glass of water. I sat up and flinched at the throb aching in my head. He sat at the edge and opened the pill bottle and shook out two. I don't know what it was, but I really hope it is supposed to help my headache. I don't really feel like speaking, and I can already tell that I'm going to be pretty quiet for a while.

 "Max and I already went to the school without you. They said that they would match the schedules but they wouldn't print them until you came and told them yourself that we are saying the truth. It makes sense, but it still made Max aggravated." Phoenix murmured and gave me a small smile. I nodded and looked down at my dark grey sweats and played with the blanket covering me. I felt Phoenix put his hand over mine and jumped in surprise. "I know that you are hiding something and I don't want to push you to tell me. I'm sorry that Max made a scene and almost made you leave. You don't have to tell anybody anything until you really want to. I do hope that one day we can be close and you will feel safe enough to tell me." I continued in a soft voice and I shuttered. He has a really soft hand...

 I cleared my throat and removed my hand from his. "Don't hold your breath," I said almost silently, but he heard me and lowered his eyes. He slowly stood up and made his way out of the door. I felt a little guilty about being a bit rude, but we are still strangers and they shouldn't even think for a second that I'm immediately going to spill my guts to the lot of them. It's almost insulting, really. If anybody knows about broken trust, it's me.

 Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.




 Maximus POV

 I sighed and laid back on my bed. I wanted to slap those old hags when they refused to print Phoenix and I's schedules. They automatically assumed we were lying! How dare they! If they were to know just who I am and what-

 "Would you please calm down?! Honestly, this is borderline ridiculous, Summus." I pouted and glanced at Phoenix who was rolling his eyes. I glared around the room and took a deep breath to calm down.

 "If they were to know just who they were talking to..."

 "I know, Max, but they don't and so it does not apply." I glared at Phoenix for a few minutes after until I slumped in submission. "It should only take about a minute for them to print our schedules once we get there anyway." I nodded. agreeing with him  and brushed my hair from my eyes.

 "How is Monroe?" I asked quirked an eyebrow as I watch a small blush appear on Phoenix's face.

 "He's more quiet than usual." He murmured while avoiding my eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him and stood up, walking to him.

 "You like him, don't you." It wasn't even a question. His head reared back in surprise and snorted, caught off guard.

 "No! How could I? I barley know him." He shook his head at me and I slapped his head.

 "If you do, which you do, and I figure out you hurt him in any way, I will make sure some of the worse torture is put upon you, Phoenix Leviathan Nexer." I said with a steel-like voice. He nodded and lowered his eyes in submission to my dominating power now flowing from my aura. He trembled at the force and my threat, knowing well that I am completely capable of fulfilling it all the way.


Okay so I know I vanished for quite a while and come back with this short piece of crap and I'm sure you all would like to beat me, but I've been going through a lot and I've been kept busy. I'm really sorry, guys. Love you all!

 Word count: 1320


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