Chapter One: Front Row View

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Monroe's POV

I never really used to hate anybody. Hate is a strong word that I honestly don't like using, but I myself can be pushed only so far. Back then, I had pride in saying that I didn't really hate anybody, not even my parents, but that's what life does to you. Now? I have a freaking list of people I absolutely loath. That is what they did to me. They could've killed me. I could be dead right now. If I had tried a smidgen harder to kill myself, I would be gone. And it would've been all their fault.

 They ruined me; any innocence I had, gone. Trust? That's gone too.

These were my thoughts as I glared at the ground as I was pushed into it and told that was where I belonged. God I've never felt so much hate for someone until now. I cringed as everyone surrounding started laughing and pointing. The guy took his Geometry text book and took a batters stand, then hit my head like a baseball as hard as he could with the horribly thick book. I was out immediately, and thankful for the comforting blanket of darkness covering me from all emotions.


 I hated waking up, but the thought of never doing it sends pain through my chest. I hate it because it seems like every single time I wake up my whole body's in pain and I doubt being able to move. It's a wonder that my body hasn't just gotten used to so much pain, but no, it still hurts just like the first time. Every time hurts like the first time, emotional pain included.

 "Monroe, are you awake?" Said a soft female voice. I relaxed at the sound of the soothing sound and pushed myself to nod, but was unsuccessful. I only managed to part my lips a small bit in effort. I mentally cursed in my head, because I was vulnerable.

 "I think he's almost fully conscious," I heard a male voice say a bit farther away. It was a deep, soothing voice and I, on instinct, froze up and became tense, "Monroe?" 

 I heard this annoying beeping and finally managed to turn my head to the side, but wanted to scream at the pain in my head. I could only manage a chocked cry and I felt soothing, gentle fingers stroking my hair, and I almost immediately relaxed.

 "Shh, It's okay, sweetheart. Take your time, there's no rush." The female voice rang out like soft chiming bells. I wanted to cry at the feeling of nourishment from a female figure, yet shift away from the stranger. They cooed their encouragement, being mindful of my horrid headache. They continued the brushing of my hair and I breathed deeply at the wonderful sensation. I could feel my body preparing to wake up and face reality. I almost didn't want to open my eyes.

 My eyes slowly opened, but then slammed back shut at the harsh light abusing my naturally sensitive eyes. I felt a small tear slid down my eyes at the brief, but harsh, pain.

 "Maximus, will you turn off the light and close the curtains, please?" I could tell that the room was tremendously darker now and cautiously opened my eyes. I looked around and could tell immediately that I was in the hospital.  I sighed and looked at the three people in the room. The first one I saw was the beautiful and gentle looking woman sitting at my bedside. She was looking at me with a gentle and motherly look that only the most compassionate person could act towards a stranger. Then I searched the rest of the room and my eyes rested upon two other guys.

 "Monroe, how are you feeling, Hun?" The woman asked gently. I eyed the other two men before turning back to her and cocked my head to the side.

 "I got clubbed in the head with a Geometry book... I'm not feeling all that great." I said quietly, but still had a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"Well, that would be expected I guess," The lady laughed and so did the two men by the door. I swear, they are all perfect... Their laughs are just... Mind blowing.

 "Hello, Monroe. I am Maximus Black, and this is Phoenix Nexer. We are..."

 "I am Lillian Black, and we are here on behalf of your parents." I think I about crapped my pants, "Your father is going on a  business trip and your mother decided to go visit her mother in Michigan." My jaw dropped to the floor and I stared at them in shock.

 Thanks mother. You go visit your own mother and send me to some strangers to look after me?! It wouldn't have been any different if I stayed home than if you were there!

 "So, you'll be living with us for the time being."

I think I passed out.


I promise that updates will get longer! It's only the beginning so... My chapters are always short in the beginning:(

Sorry guys!



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