2x41 - An Alolan Tradition!

Start from the beginning


Will and Kukui arrived to the school entrance arriving early before the students and guests arrived for the party. There was much to do for the grand celebration.

"You got all your gifts for your friends?" Kukui asked the boy.

"Yep. I'm all set in that regard. Took a while to find a few things though." He replied to the professor.

"Is that so? Well I am curious to just what you found for them." Kukui replied.

"Honestly, I'm looking forward to it as well." He replied.

Soon after the two started to set up for the party outside the School, setting up decorations and tables. There was a lot of work to do before the guests arrived.

Soon, a car entered the school grounds, a Limo.

"Who is that? The party isn't for hours." Will asked the professor.

"If I had to bet, I would say your friends." Kukui replied.

Sure enough, the car came to a stop and out came two girls, one with pink and the other with blue hair.

"Lisia, Aria! What are you two doing here? The party doesn't start for a while still." He asked the two as they walked towards him. He then noticed their expressions, Aria uncomfortable and worried, and Lisia with an indescribable look, one of sadness and anger.

"Guys? What's wrong?" Will asked his two close friends.

"Will. What happened... What did you do?!?" Lisia yelled at the boy. 

"What are you talking about?" Will countered in confusion.

"What did you do to Taylor!" She screamed with tears flowing out of her eyes. 

Oh. "Lisia. Listen-" Was all he could get out before he felt a hand slap his cheek hard.


"What to get what to get..." Ash mumbled to himself wondering the many stores of the nearby city. He was able to find gifts for most of his friends, yet there was one he couldn't quite decide on, Serena.

"What would she like Pikachu?" Ash asked his partner. "Pika Pika." "Same here buddy." Ash replied. "There must be something."

Most of his other friends he had ideas right away. A fishing rod for Lana, a book of Pokemon for Lillie and Gary, A small case for Kiawe to keep his Z-Crystal in. He had come up with many good ideas, but for Serena he was stumped. He knew that it should have something to do with performing, but what?

What could he get her to help her. What could he...

An idea hit him, one he hoped was good.


Lisia stormed away back to the car as Will recovered from shock.

"Aria. What the hell was that?" He asked his friend in confusion.

"Here." She said handing him a letter. "Lisia received this shortly after getting the news of his death." She explained.

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