Chapter 4

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All three adults looked at Harry as if he had suddenly grown another head, poppy was the first one to move wrapping her arms around Harry as he cried and she whispered sweet things to him in the hopes he would stop. But that never did come about Harry just cried and cried Lucius at this point had taken a pitch on the end of Harry's bed studying the boy as she cried while Severus looked rather uncomfortable almost as if he wanted the ground to swallow him whole.

This went on for some time before Lucius spoke in a very calm but concerned for Harry's well being when he asked "Harry, can you tell me why you are crying so I may help you only if you want that is?" The words came out so soft that Harry almost missed them but it was the worry Harry had only ever hard in his aunt petunias voice when speaking to duly yet caught Harry's attention and he looked at luscious, then at Severus and lastly at poppy who was still holding him tightly telling him how it was all going to be okay. Harry then spoke in the softest of times that one would have had to be listing as if there life was on the line to have heard him say "sir, I don't mean to cry it's just I haven't had a friend before and well 6iur am so nice here" Harry then passed and looked at Severus his emerald green eyes pleading g with the older man not to tell him off for being such a big baby.

But Severus Snape just showed poppy away and scooped poor Harry up into his arms like you would do with your own son or daughter of this upset about matters he then headed towards the door not saying a word to Harry or the other adults in the room but no one spoke they simply followed Severus along the corridor down the three flights if stairs that they had all but Harry came up at one time or another then along that another corridor down the stairs that lead to one of the biggest library's Harry had ever seen and to make it all the more interesting to Harry all of the walls were made from what he guessed to be oak and the floors that were a swearing mix of silver and emerald green just like his eye were made of marble then Harry noticed the the three rows of pillars that were holding the ceiling up and his eyes widened with both amazement and curiosity.

but it seemed like hey we're not staying in this particular room but passing through to get to a small quieter room that also held books on its shelves it tries books were all wrapped in leather covers,  Harry was then placed on a small sofa that sat in front of a fire that had started it self as soon as the yesterday the room but Severus turned it off with a swish of his wand and motiond for Lucius to go and collect a very excited Draco first through the flue or as Harry saw it through the fire place was four very large suitcases all with an engraved DM on this made Harry want to sit up but both Severus and poppy had insisted that Harry lay down on the sofa and had them proceeded to lay a large blanket over him.

After all the suitcases had been moved out of the way Lucius and Draco appeared there and stepped out rather gracefully as if they were simply walking on air Harry then decided that he needed to hold some one's had and wasn't to sure about making friends so In his panic he had lacked him self on to Severus and attempted to hid him self behind him, this in turn did not go unnoticed by Severus who nodded in greeting to Draco and his father and then turned to Harry and knelt down to his level before whispering is only Harry could hear "I won't let anything happen to you okay your safe here and Draco is a good boy who will help take care of you while you get better" he said this in such a way that Harry was not as scared of the situation as he was but still needed some one to each on to after all Draco could be faking this act in front of the adults.

So he nodes at Severus and kept tight hold of his hand just to make sure Lucius then bought Draco over and got down to me same level as Harry and Severus who had not moved or attempted to do so and this had not gone unnoticed by the other adults in the room who chose at the moment in time to say nothing of the matter and rather focus I. Make go Harry more comfortable with Draco "Harry remember who I told you of my own son well this is him,  he is called Draco" was all he said to a half hidden Harry who had come to peek round Severus and look at Draco who was in turn looking at Harry witch curious eyes,  this made Harry feel a little embarrassed but he still didn't let go of Severus shapes hand.

Harry spoke after a while and only managed to say one word and even then it came out bearly above a whisper "hello" he had managed to say and he gripped Snape hand tighter not sure what else to say to the other boy who had replied to him in a polite and respectful way as he held his hand out for Harry to take "hi I'm Draco nice to meat you " he said as if speaking to an adult at one of his father's parties and of course his father had told him that hard was not well when he had flued to collect him and said to be gentile with the young boy.

Harry stared at his out stretched hand for what seed like a life time but was only a minute or two before looking at the other adults who nodded at his silent question and took the site steam hand of Draco in his unsure and shaking hand.

The room was silent before Severus suggested that Draco ask a house elf to deliver is belongings to his room before lunch were they would have here so that Harry would be more comfortable this statement of Severus made Harry's eyes go wide like he had just seen a ghost,no one had ever thought about Harry's feeling or needs and well if asked he would have had to say he liked it.

~Le time skip~

After Lucius left Draco well he became very attached to Harry and never really left him alone and even then Severus had to practically drag him away, he ate with Harry and talked with Harry all day and when Harry was to tired to talk or play games with him he would sit with Harry in the comfy Chair that Severus had put in the room and read a book.

Severus on the other hand had his hands fill with a sick Harry who was recovering at a nice rate and a frequent visit from poppy who was pleased he was slowly starting to talk to Draco and her self and then there was Severus who Harry did talk to but only wwhen he was addressed directly causing grate worth with both him self and poppy since he was so relaxed around her self and Draco.

Harry however kept them up most nights or until Draco crawled in to bed with him or until he was woken up by Severus who stayed and comforted him and the. Went to get Draco, tho Harry would never talk about what his dreams were about or where he got the scares his uncle had promised he would never day another word ever again. This scared Harry more than the thought severing would put him in the cubard when he was better.

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