Chapter 2

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"and your sure that it wont hurt at all and people wont know who i am?" he asked some what panicked at the taught of being returned to his aunts house where lets face it would probably haunt him for a long time to come if not for the rest of his life, as he asked his questions he was fighting off the sleep that he so desperately needed having been gotten up at 4am to start the house hold chores while his aunt went back to bed having told him not to wake her till 8am when breakfast should be ready with out any of it being burnt or he would be sorry.

severous watched as the small boy fought off the sleep for a second before he ushered him out of the kitchen and up the narrow staircase that lead to three bedrooms of a decent size and a bathroom, "harry my room is at the end of the hall way you are more than welcome to either of the other two rooms since they both have a bed and have been used as nothing more tan just storage since it is only me here the bathroom is the first door on your right while all of the bedrooms are on your left" he grew confused as he looked at harry who was now all but sobbing as his cheeks became wet with tears he was fighting to keep. he suspected this had something to do with the abuse he would not make harry talk about unless he really wanted to.

harry chose the bedroom closest to the stairs just in case he needed a quick escape but severous felt he would have liked to be in the room next door to his own tho would let the boy change rooms if he really wished to. Harry's room was the smallest of the three possessing a small chest of draws a small wardrobe and a double bed leaving little to no room for more things to be put in the room.

The next day was so different to what Harry was use to he didn't expect to have such a large and filling g breakfast of bacon eggs and toast all washed down after much barging and harrys biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster at severous Snape hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry current serving potions master and a man of no nonsense harry also had a cup of black coffee with lots of sugar.

After a good breakfast harry was told to go up to the nathroown and brush his hair and Teath to the best of his abilities as there was much they needed to do and that it required then both to leave the house. Harry listened all be it a bit confused and bewildered as to why anybody would want to be seen in public with him after all his horrific au t and uncle usually left him with miss fig the crazy cat lady who always showed him all of her cats and fed him on stale cake. It took him a whole to figure out how to at least look like he had tried to flatten his hair down but as usual it would end up looking just as bad as if he had just gotten out of bed.

Arriving downstairs he made his way in to the livingroom where he herd severous muttering to himself as he was looking for the book he was after.peering nervously round the door harry tried to make as little noise as posible out of habbit knowing that anything that severous was holding could be used to throw at him tho he didnt think severous would but also didnt want to chance that he might. 

severous noticed him a second later as he looked up form the pile of books that were neatly stacked in front of one of the bookcases lining the walls however it didnt take severous long to relises that harry was stood there a nervous look on his face as severous gave a small smile to try and encorage him to venture further in to the room and it worked if you could count one foot over the threshold of the room while he still looked ready to bolt given a chance or reason to.

"today there are a few things we must do in muggle london then we will be going to diagon allie however you may return here after muggle london if you wish as i suspect people may stair at you while we  are there." severous was trying to think of what would make harry more comftible and so far he wasnt sure the boy even like to be looked at by himself let alone people who would only look at him for the thing he did and wouldnt even remember doing and he wasnt even told what had happend by the look on his aunts face when he had showen up in such a rage.

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