Chapter 3

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The room was quiet with existence from Draco while Severus taught about this for a second before bidding his head once and telling f Draco "mind I ask that you are very respectful and quiet to my guest" he said looking g at Lucius with a unreadable cafe in less you could read what his dark brown eyes told Lucas all to well and that was that gay needed t8bplsoeaci immediately so Lucas sent a young Draco back through the flue home telling him to gather his belongings and have Dobbi bring the yo t e flue and the weight for his foster to return before he could be back

After Draco was sadly back through Severus motioned for the older Slytherin to follow him and so he did out of the living room through a small library along the cotton floor corridor and up one I've not two but three flights of stairs then along that corridor the the very most end room before they stopped and Severus spoke to him "I need your help my old friend I'm afraid albus isn't going t9 like what I have done at all" she said as he opened the door to device a awake child and of course poppy Poetry, Harry of curse lay down on the bed after a steal look form the no nonsense media witch who was still administering potions and lotions to the small child. Who is Se ever ours and Lucia's but admirers was enjoying being fused over by the medi witch who had only just noticed there arrival in the room.

She the stood from her chair at Harry's bedside and motions both men out of the room but not be from giving Harry a stern look and telling him not to move an inch. Once outside Severus asked how he was doing ad of it would be a good idea to live home closer to his own bed chambers like Draco was so he could maybe have some one to talk to if needed puppy of course suggested that him and crack me so here for the week if bed rest that he would need and want to leave this bed till she said other wise and that was that.

When the three entered the room Harry was sat up in the bed looking down at his hands trying not to make the sudden arrives of eyes in the room many of which he didn't know in fact he didn't know any of them not even the slightly older female who he had been happy had made a fun over him but now he rather wished that they wouldn't look at him this way.

The look was not that of petty or sadness but rather of love and that was not a look Harry had become accustomed to receiving he was more use to the look of utter discuss one would look upon the dirt on a new pair of shoes he was use to being shouted at for being in bed and not working, but all three adults looked like the wanted to help him and that how Harry found his first twist of real love since he was a baby.

Pappy was the first to cross t e room And re take her seat give Gary yet another potion telling him it would Saint box but help him in the long run Severus was the next over closely followed by Lucius who was the most interested of all he also took a seat at the bed side before looking g at Severus to make sure he was okay to speak to the boy.

"hello there Harry may I ask a question, you may say no I will understand if you wish not to talk t any of us just yet" he said in the voice he used only when others were not present and he was talking f to Draco yo see what had managed t upset him this time.

What baffled all the room was that Harry nodded at the question and answered in the same polite fine he had earlier used with puppy when no one was present "I will answer you question sir" Harry said as he looked between the two men but mostly at Severus S if trying to place where he had see the man before, he was sure he had are him before but he couldn't place him and the more he tried the harder it got.

Harry was the pulled from his thoughts by mister malfoy speaking again "I wanted to ask you if you wanted a friend to keep you company I have a son around your age who would be very excited 6i may you when you are better" he said to Harry.

Harry had never felt like this before he was so confused and unsure so he turned to poppy as if it ask who's house he was in and poppy just nodded in the direction of Severus who pretended he hadn't see the unspoken words between the two of them

"excuse me sir* Harry said so I sure of his self he was so nervous that he would be treated lien his aunt and uncle treated him, he was so sure that Severus Snape was going to lock him in a cubed and well Harry didn't want to go back in go the cubed again it was small dark and cramped but most of all it scares Harry to no end.

Severus spoke in a voice in one cold ever imagine he could speak "yes Harry is there something you want to ask me? " Severus asked in the tone he often used on the scared first years who wanted to go home

Harry thought for a second before he turned back to the blonde Slytherin moving a little closer motioning for the older man to also come close before asking his name is he could ask politely to make a friend. Lucius Malay smiled and told t e hit his name in t e some hushed tones S Harry had.

Harry then turned back to Severus and said "sir please may I have a chance to make a friend in mister malfoys son? " he said hoping against all cruelty in the world he would say he could make his first friend ever.

It felt like an eternity until Severus spoke No even then it was only one word and to Harry they were the best word hecould have ever imagined "yes" was all that was shed be for Harry began wriggle g line he was all ready better and wanted to meant this potential new friend right away. But what was missing was the light that would light up in his eyes when a child was excited this cause grate concern for all adults in the room until Harry suddenly burst out in to tears. Tears that would surely shake a grown man the same as they were shaking poor Harry

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