As soon as she turned back around, I moved to walk over to Zayn, sending him a distress single with my eyes at the obvious limp in my walk that I did my best to hide, but he only smirked at me and did his best to hide his laughter from his aunt. Even if I was freaking out a bit over this, I couldn't find it in myself to be mad at him.

    "Now, I already had a talk with Zayn this morning, but I really want to talk to you as well, Liam. There are some things I have to discuss with you," Colette announced, and I looked up at Zayn with worry. Did she know? Did Zayn tell her?

   He shook his head, pressing a kiss to my temple and resting a hand on my lower back in reassurance. I gave out a low sigh of relief before Colette spoke up again.

    "Oh, and I think it'd be a wonderful idea if we had a little dinner tonight. I could cook for all of us, you are both welcomed to help if you'd like, and you could invite your mum. It'd be most lovely to catch up with everyone again," She spoke, sounding very excited about everything. "I'm so glad to be back home with my lovely gentlemen."

     "We're glad you're back, as well," Zayn said with a small chuckle. "Do you want me to handle the rest? You could have that talk with Liam before breakfast. Better now than later," He offered, and Colette smiled sincerely.

    "I think that'd be a good idea. Are you sure you've got this, love?" Colette asked, and Zayn nodded. He let go of me and walked around to take the spatula out of his aunt's hand gently.

    "I think I can manage," Zayn said, giving a teasing smirk, and Colette shook her head with a smile before giving a kiss to the side of his head. Finally, she turned her attention to me.

    "Alright, Liam, let's get out of the master chef's way," She joked before motioning for me to follow her, but before I was able to Zayn grabbed my arm and pulled me back, pressing a kiss to my lips before letting me go with a smile.

    I blushed as I looked back at Colette to see that she had a knowing look in her eyes. I stared down at the ground as I followed her out of the kitchen, expecting to go into the living room, but she led me down the hall and to her room. There were a couple of suitcases on the bed that needed to be unpacked, so it was obvious she got back only a while before I awoke.

    "There's something I want to give you," She said, going over to the smaller suitcase and rummaging around inside of it. She finally pulled out a small book and handed it over to me. I read the text on the front cover and immediately flipped it open to see the pages full of blank lines and an area below each line to fill in music notes. It was an actual song writing book instead of my random journals I keep.

    "Figured you'd enjoy it," Colette said with a smile as she moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "I could teach you a bit on the piano, or maybe even the violin, but I think Zayn's pretty keen on being your go-to guide. And it appears music isn't the only thing he's given you lessons in," She said with an expectant look, and I was speechless.

    I must've looked like a fish out of water as I opened and closed my mouth, searching desperately for something to say or a lie to tell. Truth was, I don't think a lie would have been believable anyway, not when Colette seemed so sure of what exactly went down between Zayn and me this weekend.

    "Oh, don't look so surprised! Liam, you're both practically glowing. Besides, didn't I tell you two that I was your age before? I know how urges go. I'm just hoping you were both careful and that everything was... sanitary, I guess." She gave me a questioning look, and I didn't know how to reply.

   We didn't really use a condom, so there was no protection there; we didn't clean up immediately after, so it wasn't exactly sanitary; and the second time we made love was on the piano bench, and I knew not to spill that secret. I guess I took too long because Colette sighed, though she didn't seem mad or anything.

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