Jesus Christ On A Motorbike

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-lance's pov-

Keith returned with Ezor and Acxa several minutes ago. He's showing them to their rooms before he comes to see me.

Pidge is trying to talk to me. I should talk to her. I shouldn't make her worry like this. But I can't talk to her. Not yet.

"Thank god you're back, Red, he's only saying your name," Pidge says as Keith returns. He furrows his brows and rushes over to me. I'm sitting on the floor, "criss cross apple sauce" as the teachers used to say when I was young.

Keith kneels down in front of me, concern in his eyes.

"K-Keef..." I mutter. I tried to say Keith but I screwed it up. He smiles softly at me.

"Hey Pidge, can we be alone for a moment?"

"Sure! Use protection!" She shouts as she leaves the room. Keith leans forward against me.

"Hey, what's wrong, bud? Why aren't you talking?" I'm shaking. I have been shaking. I guess I only noticed just now.

"I- I dunno-o......" he furrows his brows and purses his lips, thinking.

"You're okay. Okay, Lance? Your friends are safe, you're safe. You'll be okay." I nod. I still can't talk. He looks at my arms and my face.

"You've got lots of dirt and shit on you, Lance, you should take a shower. There's dried blood too..." I whimper a bit, terrified. He caresses my cheek.

"Hmmm... maybe a bath? Would you like that? You want me to get a bath ready for you, Lance?" I nod shakily. He smiles.

"Okay. Cmon, bud, we'll go to your room. I'll set up the bath in your bathroom and you can get undressed and I'll help you in, and I can wait for you outside the bathroom." I nod again. He stands up, and takes my hand, helping me up, and walking me to my room.

"Okay, you stay here. I'll get the bath running. As soon as it's full you can get undressed or anything. Will you need some help getting undressed or something?" I nod sheepishly. My cheeks are bright red. Keith nods and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Just relax, okay? Breathe. Calm. Slow. Okay? Slow." I nod. He leaves for the bathroom and I sit on the bed waiting for him. He comes back in a minute or two later.

"Hey, you ready?" I nod. He leads me to the bathroom and helps me undress until my boxers.

"I'll let you do that on your own." I nod, and remove them. He puts two hands on my arm to support me and help me into the bath.

"There you go. Shout for me if you need anything, I'll be right outside the whole time, okay?" I nod.

"T-thank you..." he smiles.

"Of course, sweetheart."

Sweetheart. He called me sweetheart. What the fuck. I've had a thing for him since we went to the garrison together, and now, five years later, in space, he calls me sweetheart.... after removing my clothes and helping me into a bath.

Jesus Christ on a motorbike

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