You Promised

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-lance's pov-

"Hey there, Kitten, what're you up to?" Lotor asks from the door. The trip here has already ended, and I've been waiting on his bed for him to come in.

"Nothing. I missed you." He smiles.

"A bit clingy, aren't ya?" My face drops.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be clingy, I don't know why I was...."

"I forgive you, just- don't do it again, alright Kitten?" He comes over and puts his hand on my thigh, rubbing small circles. I nod.

"Say it out loud, Kitten."

"Yes, Lotor." He smiles. 

"Good. I'll be in the conference room with Zethrid and Acxa. Would you like me to send Narti and Ezor in here?" I nod.

"Yes, please." He nodded.

"I'll send them in. In the mean time, don't do anything stupid." I laugh and nod. He smiles and walks out of the bedroom. I smile happily to myself and Ezor sprints into the room.

"Oh my god! Oh my god, Lance it's so good to see you! You look great! You're gonna love it here! Oh my god!" I can't tell but I think Narti is laughing in a way. I smile.

"It's good to see you, too, Ezor. Narti, you as well." The both of them nod and Ezor starts talking again.

I listen to Ezor's rambling for at least two hours until she and Narti leave. Lotor doesn't come in until I'm asleep. Guess I'll have to get used to it.

-3 weeks later-

I don't think Lotor cares. I don't think he gives a shit about me. Lately he's been ignoring me. He hardly talks to me and when he does he's either scolding me or asking me questions about Voltron. Today it went too far.

I'm sitting in a cell, sobbing. You know the feeling when you laugh so hard you double over, and you can't help but fall out of your chair with laughter, and it's the greatest feeling in the world? Well imagine it's the same thing but crying. That's the worst. The worst feeling in the world is when you cry so hard you do the same things as when you laugh so hard. And you can't breathe, and it all hurts.

I always thought tv was weird, when in cartoons, if a character was crying, the tears would usually flow to their chin and down. I always thought that was so weird. Tears don't go to your chin, I thought. I was wrong. I just never let my tears reach my chin.

But here I am, doubling over against the wall of this cell, tears flowing freely down my- you guessed it- chin.

You're probably confused as to why I'm bawling my eyes out. Here's why.

"Lance, get in here, please!" I heard Lotor shout. I entered the room.

"Yes?" I asked. He gave me a cold smile.

"We need your help with something. I need you to answer a few questions about your friends that could possibly mean a win for the Galra." I thought about it for a moment. I was skeptical. He walked closer to me and put his hand under my chin.

"I promise I won't hurt your friends, kitten. I've been so busy lately..... I'll be able to pay attention to you now. You can get what you want and your friends won't be hurt." I nodded. I wrote the answers to all of his questions down.

Thanks to my idiocy, he was able to locate the ship easily. And it seemed as though the red lion was flying about.

"He is of no use to me anymore. Narti, Acxa, please take the paladin to a cell. And Zethrid, fire at the red lion."

I screamed.

"NO! YOU CANT! YOU PROMISED!" Lotor smirked. Zethrid aimed at the red lion. Luckily, Keith seemed to notice, and flew back to the ship to get the others just in time.

I didn't see what happened next because Acxa and Narti took me to a cell.

And that's where I'm at right now.

Ezor came by to visit an hour ago. She and I talked for a long time. She's on my side. She wants out of this just as much as I do. She said she and Acxa were planning on running away together, and if they did, she'd bring me with them. She and Acxa always had a thing for each other.

"I promise I'll get you out of here, okay?" She had said before she left. But now I'm back here, doubling over in sorrow, tears flowing down my chin. 

I don't know how long I spend in the cell, but after what feels like hours, someone finally bursts in.

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