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"Guys, I'm leaving Voltron." Never before had Keith believed that four words could hurt him so much. Boy, was he wrong.

"W-what are you talking about?!" Keith stared at Lance in shock. The others gave Lance looks of sympathy. Keith was the only one who was angry.

"I'm leaving. To go with Lotor. Please don't be mad." Lance looked as hurt as Keith saying it. Keith didn't notice that. All Keith noticed was that the one boy he had ever fallen for was leaving.

"You- you can't leave, Lance! How are we supposed to form Voltron without you?! What are we supposed to do? You are a vital part of this team, Lance, you made a commitment to Voltron, you can't just leave right now!" Lance stared at Keith, his eyes sad. He didn't want to do this. But still, Keith noticed nothing.

"We trusted you! I- I trusted you....." Lance chewed his lip, fighting back tears. The rest of the team crowded around Lance to comfort him.

"Please don't. But we still love you anyway." Keith was disgusted. Heartbroken. Shattered to pieces. He stormed out, on the verge of tears. He sprinted up to the training deck.

"Keith?" It was Shiro. Keith had been sitting at the training deck for two hours.

"Lance left," Shiro muttered. Keith fought back tears and glared at his feet.

"I know you really liked him, Keke." Keke was Shiro's nickname for Keith. It had been since Keith was nine.

Keith didn't respond.

"This is hard on all of us, Keith, have you seen Hunk? Lance was his best friend."

"He was here when you were gone," Keith whispered.

"What was that, Keke?"

"W-when you went missing. Lance was there for me. When you couldn't support me, Lance did. I fell for him. How could he just run away like this?" Shiro nodded with sympathy.

"I know, keke, I know."

The Cosmos Between Us~ KlanceUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum