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Today was the day we were going to go and get things for the nursery, we got some blue paint, not too dark, not too light, but perfect. We were now stood looking at cots, trying to find the perfect one for our baby boy. We had found so many but the ones I liked, ast didn't, she ones he liked, I didn't. "Okay, so I think we should go look at other things and come back to these" ast said. "Hmm, okaaay, let's go look at the car chairs?" I asked noticing some right next to the cots, and started walking over there. "Wait, this one" ast stopped looking at a cot. "Oh my god, yes" I looked at it. It was big, but not too big, a beautiful white one, I always thought baby shopping would be so easy, but it's so the opposite. "Finally!" Ast smiled picking one of the boxes up and put it in the trolley. We got a little mattress for it, a little blue quilt thing and moved on to the car chairs/pram. It may seem way to early to start getting everything, but I just want to be really organised and have everything ready, although I have no clothes or anything yet. We picked a blue and black car chair, then headed over to the high chairs. "I'm so excited!" I smiled widely to ast. "So am I, I'm already picturing how much his gonna cost though! It's a good job we brought the range rover" ast laughed. "Yeah, all worth it though" I smiled at my bump. "Hundred percent" he smiled. "So, I say we just get a white one" I say as we looked at the high chairs. "Hmm, yeah" he says looking at them. "What about this one?" He asked pointing to a plain white one but blue cushioning on the seat. "I love it" I smiled. "What next boss?" He asked picking the high chair up. "Umm, the Moses basket" I walked next to him as he pushed the trolley. "It's mad to think how much things someone not even the size of my arm needs" he told me. "I know" I giggled "it all comes to good use though!". We got a cute blue mosses basket, a blue changing table, now we were looking at places to put his clothes. We got a massive blue wardrobe, which had loads of draws and sections in, I loved it. That was it for today! Let's just say the cost wasn't little. We managed to squeeze it in the car and started heading back home, not before getting a takeaway nandos. "Today has been perfect so far, thankyou" I smiled at ast, holding his hand. "Why are you thanking me?" He asked confused. "If it wasn't for you, I would be no where, it was you that got me my job, that's got me so so far in life, you literally pay for our house, you literally pay for so much stuff in our life, and you really don't care that I can't buy the things you can, cause you just happily buy it for me, If it wasn't for you this baby wouldn't be having all designer things which you insist on buying, literally you are my perfect best friend, and I really just would hate to have it any other way" I started crying by the time we got to our house. "Baby" he rubbed my hand "let's go inside, we can talk in there". He shot out his side of the car, round to mine, a few paps there so I had to put my sunglasses on to hide tears. He opened the door for me, then closed it, holding my hand as we walked towards the house, he locked the car before unlocking the house, then locking it again. "Okay, so, um, were best friends yeah? So best friends help each other, thick and thin. When we were younger, ha, I remember when you first got your period, literally, September 2002, you were always changing your moods, getting upset, argumentative, then hyper, and no matter how many times you told me to leave you alone, I didn't, I stayed. When my voice broke, that was so funny thinking about that, everyone took the Mickey out of me, everyone did that to each other though, but you didn't, you just kept telling me how everything was normal, and how when I'm older I'm going to have a perfect voice, huh. When you first started wearing makeup, March, 2003. I thought you were so stupid, I didn't understand why someone as beautiful as you would think they needed makeup, I don't know why I brought that up, ah. My prom, July 2004, I think? You came, supported me sorta, awh, I loved seeing my bestfriend there, it's weird how you were in year nine when I was in year eleven and we were still so close, awh. And your prom! I was eighteen! You looked so pretty, I remember you used to make me drive you round everywhere when I could drive! It was fun though I've gotta say. I guess i kinda wondered off, but what I'm trying to say is we've always been there for each other, and we always will! You help me, I help you, it's how we've always been, trust me, I love spending my money on the people I care about, like you, that's what makes everything worth while, seeing my fans, friends and family happy" he smiled. "Why are you so god damn perfect?" I smiled wiping my tears away "I can't believe you remember all that, the months, years, wow, I remember all those times, every Wednesday and Sunday together without fail, and a lot of the other days. I always used to hang round with hanna (my best friend from school), you, Ben and JJ, I can't believe how long ago that was, but thankyou, I think you've made me feel a lot better" I smiled. "I think I deserve a kiss?" He smiled. "I think you really do" I leant up and kissed him. "Mmm" he smiled "I love you". "Love you too".

"Ast" I giggled as he painted blue on my nose, me painting a big stripe on his forehead. "Wow, now that's too far" he laughed painting the same mark on my face. We were halfway through painting the last wall now, it was probably around three now, we had an early start so we could get a lot done. We were both laughing so much. "Astooooonnn" I started painting over his bare chest. He painted over my arms and I accidentally dropped my paint brush "shit". "Hahahaha, you've got nothing now" he pulled me tight after putting his brush down. "Wooo" I laughed "Can I paint on your back?". "Whyyy?" He asked. "Cause it's fun" I smiled. "Hmm, after this" he leant in and kissed me, it got a little deep, but didn't last long. I write 'Baby Jeston <3 :D'. "Awhh, my little cutie" he turned around. "How you know what I write?" I asked confused. "I felt it dopey" he laughed. "Awh, now let's finish this off" I grabbed the paint roller. Not long later we finished painting and decided to get in the shower together. It's helpful to help each other to get the paint off to be honest! After we got out we both dried our self, ast put another pair of joggers on and went into clean everything off the floor while I dried my hair. "All clean" he came in just as I was getting into my pyjamas. "Yaay, can we get started on making things now then?" I asked. "Baby? You really want us to start making things today?" I asked him. "Pleaseee" I begged "I really want everything to be sorted". "I get to pick the film tonight, and tomorrow" he winked. "Deal" I smiled. I jumped up and ran to the bottom of the stairs where all the boxes had been put. We started carrying them up. "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it..." I began singing at the top of my voice. "Calm down babe" ast laughed. "I caaannttt, everything's so much more real now" I smiled. "I know" he smiled at me. Ast doesn't really mention the baby might not be his anymore, I know he thinks about it, obviously, it's never mentioned though. "I say you do the cot, I'll start the pram" I smile. "Okey dokey" he smiled back. We took those two boxes in the baby's room and got to work. I did love watching ast struggle with everything while I had the easy job, it was so cute! I had finished putting this together, I know it was an easy thing to do but ast had only managed to put two sides together, bless him. I decided to start putting the nappy changing table together, when I finished that he almost had finished the cot, so I then decided doing the high chair. We both near enough finished the same time. "You had fun?" I laughed at him, he was so frustrated. "That's the most hardest thing I've ever done in my life" he frowned. "Awh, bless, it's perfect though! I'll put the bedding on, and we can do the wardrobe another day yeah?" I smiled. "Yeah! I'll go do tea?" He asked me. "Perfect, just do something quick baby, I'm so tired!" I yawned. "Jacket potato and salad?" He asked me. "I'll just have the salad please" I told him. "You sure?" He asked me. "Yeah, yeah" I smiled. I took all the boxes out of the baby's room, then got the bedding and sorted it all out.

"Today's been perfect baby, I've loved everything" I smiled to him. "I know, and don't forget about my surprise tomorrow either" ast winked kissing me.


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