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I woke up, it felt like I hadn't slept at all still, a lot of sleep was going to be needed for me. I rubbed my eyes, and there he was. Lying next to me. He was wide awake on his phone. "Oh, morning sweetie" he smiled. "What am I doing here?!" I asked. "You know, you really shouldn't leave keys lying about" he picked up a set of keys from his bedside table. "You come in MY house and took my while I was asleep" he just nodded "I'm getting out of here" I tried to get up but he held onto me. "Your not going anywhere!" He shouted. "BEN! Let go of me!" I screamed. "Hmm, you really think it's that easy, so I thought I'd let you have as much sleep as you needed, so then when you woke up, you'd be extra good for me" he winked. "Yeah, well I'm tired, and I'd like to go back in my own bed" I shuffled around in my arms. "Well that isn't where I found you, I found you in lover boys bed, so clearly you don't like your bed that much" he did a evil smile. "Oh shut the fuck up Ben! Do you not think you've hurt me enough?! Can you not get it in your thick little brain that I don't like you! I hate you!" I slapped him round the face. "I really don't think that was a good idea to do, you've locked me away for a year, so I think you should give me a years worth of treats" he tried to take my clothes off "and you will be paying for that broken window downstairs". "You really think you can get away with everything like that?! Do you not think people are gonna come after me?!" I shouted. "I did think that, but you, are going to write a letter, saying how your moving out, you want to start a new life! Without anyone else in it, then you are going to post it in your letter box" he told me. "Yeah, you really think I'm going to do that" I asked. "I know you are going to do that, now I say let's get this started". He did what he did, what he was best at, making girls lives miseries, leaving me more bruises. "Mmmm, at least try jessica! The better you do the quicker it's over!" He shouted at me slapping my head down.

What will aston think now?! Surely he'll have some idea where I am. I was too scared to ask Ben why he wasn't with the police, so I just decided to ignore it. I promised myself that I wouldn't get this scared again, that didn't last long. I don't understand what pleasure he gets doing this. It's not cool whatsoever. Ast'll realise soon, he probably won't guess I'm here though, he thought that Ben was with the police, he will probably ring them though, right? I'll find a way to get out though, sooner or later. All the houses on this road are detached, so I can't just bang on the wall and next door will hear me. This lasted probably all day, me just getting weaker and weaker, hurt and bruised, and Ben not caring at all, just as long as he got what he wanted, he didn't care.

"Aston!" I screamed waking up in a panic "we need to change the locks!". And this is where the nightmares start again, great.



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