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I woke up with a banging headache. I opened my eyes and I was in asts room, and I was naked, shit. I went to reach my phone off the side but there was a piece of paper there. 'Smelllyy, got called Into work, should be back about two, just a meeting about all this album and rubbish. I'm going to nandos on the way back so I'll get your fav and a Starbucks! Anyway, so obviously yesterday, we can just pretend it didn't happen if you want? But I'm not gonna pretend I didn't like it, I did. I really did, sorry if that's not what you want to hear and I don't want it to ruin our friendship, I don't just wanna ruin 24years! Talk to me when I get back, or just forget about it, love youuuuuu'. Wow. That's probably the longest note his ever write in his life, his notes are always like two words. I think it was good to be fair, like, now I'm actually remembering it. But I've never seen ast that way to be fair. Always my brother. It's like I've slept with my brother. Ewwww no. Let's not see ast as my brother. I can't believe his just basically said he has feelings for me. I looked at my phone, 1oclock. Waking up at this time is always a sign of a good night. Well, maybe being up all night, which I can't fully remember. My head was telling me to get up and get some paracetamol, which I really needed. I jumped up, wrapped asts dressing robe round me and made my way to the kitchen. I poured a little glass of water, got two paracetamol and took them. Then I ran back upstairs, took my clothes from asts room, and his, took a few bits from mine and went downstairs to put them in the washer. I went back upstairs, took my phone and went in my bathroom. I started playing my music and jumped in the shower. I had a quick shower, thinking about the note, I thought he was just a friend? A best friend? But best friends don't kiss never mind sleep together. There must be something there, I suppose all those people was right. You can't have a boy and a girl live together and nothing happen. Wow. I mean, he his perfect, but I've never ever thought of it like that. Hmmm. I quickly finished up, without washing my hair I got out, and got changed straight into my pyjamas, shorts and a vest. The only pyjamas I have is shorts and vests or onsies, I prefer the shorts. I pulled my quilt downstairs, I thought we could have a day watching movies. I watched TV, browsed twitter and chilled until the door went. "Smelllly!" Ast shouted, we always called each other this. "Here" I shouted back. "Your drink" he passed me my mocha frapachino. "Thankyouuu!" I smiled like a kid taking it off him. "I'll go and put this on plates" he held a bag from nandos. I jumped up and put breaking dawn part 2 on. "How many time do you need to watch this until you get bored?" Ast laughed walking in "I mean you know word for word, there's no point anymore". Which was probably was true. "Yeah but, you know you love it" I laughed taking my plate and letting him sit down next to me, putting the quilt over us and I leant of his shoulder, just as if nothing had happened. "I can never get bored of this food, this drink or this film" I laughed. "I never get bored of the food" I saw him look down on me. "Aston? Frapachino? It's amazing" I laughed picking it up "try it". He put the straw in his mouth, not even using his hands "s'alright". "More than alright mr merrygold" I laughed hitting his head a little. "Hmmm, you wanna fight thenn? Wait till you've finished eating" he carried on eating his food. "Yeah? What you gonna do merrygold?" I looked at him. "You shall have to see" he looked back. I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled myself up. "You love me too much to do anything to me" I kept my arm there, resting my head on his shoulder. I looked down and ast had already managed to eat all his food. "Hmmm, you know I love you smell, but it doesn't mean I can't do anything to you". Every single thing he says just reminds me of last night, I mean I'm trying to act normal, but I dunno if it's working.

"You done?" Ast asked me after abit. "Yeeep" he took my plate off my lap and began eating the ready off it. "Your so greedy" I laughed. "Well, it's nandos, I'm not gonna waste it" he said with a mouth full. "Astttt!" I moaned. He began to eat politely now. Once he finished he had finished we sat there cuddled up abit until he decided to tickle me a lot. "Ast, stopppp" I couldn't stop giggling. We ended up on the floor playfighting. "Ha!" I said as I got ontop of him. "Hmm, we're not done" he lifted his arms up but I managed to push him down, he was letting me though probably. I looked at him, just looking at me, and I couldn't resist, I leant down, and kissed him, not long, only a couple of seconds, but as soon as I did that I didn't want to see his reaction, so I just lay on his and put my arms round. "So, about that note, hmm, maybe we could go on a few dates?" I questioned immediately regretting it, I didn't want to hear his reaction. "Really? I would love too, but if this doesn't work, I want us to stay the best of friends still" I felt him smile. "Yeah, I agree, and I don't think anyone should know until, yano, we know if anythings gonna happen, also, slow, take it slow" I told him closing my eyes. Don't ask me why I did, it just felt like I needed to.

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