"Well uh-"

"It's a yes or no question. Did you know the reason behind what he did?"

"Y-Yes," he mumbled.

"And you were fixing to have his back again?"

"H-He's m-my cousin," Josh stuttered.

"And? I don't give a fuck about that. You had a moral duty as her fuckin friend to kick his ass or at least have her back. Fuck a cousin, if his ass was in the wrong it's your job to speak that shit! You're supposed to be her fucking friend!" My voice rose in anger. "She was raped and you have the nerve to blame her?!"

"It's not my fault."

"Yes it is," I growled moving closer to him. He looked terrified. "Where were you when she needed you? When she was alone suffering in silence? Where the fuck were you when every day for the past three years she wanted to end her fucking life?!"

His eyes widened. "W-What? She...she didn't tell me that."

"How the fuck was she supposed to tell you anything if you kept choosing her rapist's side? And to think you had the nerve to criticize her friendship with April, her friendship with me. You're just as poisonous as this idiot."

"I-I'm not," he said looking ready to pass out in fear. "T-Things got crazy. It wasn't supposed to happen that way." I grabbed his collar and yanked him closer to me. He winced in pain but I didn't care.

"You're going to tell me the truth. All of it. Right now," I growled. "I want to know why you turned your back on the one person who fought for your dumb ass."

"O-Okay," he stuttered. "I...I was jealous okay? I was mad that she gave herself to him. I knew she had feelings for me and I admit, I fell for her too and the thought of Chris having her disgusted me. I wanted her to myself even when I knew I couldn't. I felt a real connection with her. I told her so much about my life. Much more than I've told anyone. She was like my personal angel and to have her taken away like that pissed me off. I couldn't get the thought of them out of my head and I made a huge mistake. I know I couldn't have her the way she wanted but I didn't want to give up on her either. I played with her emotions so she would stay by my side. And that's the truth."

"So because you couldn't have her you didn't want anyone else to either?" Shawn asked. "You're a selfish sick piece of shit. Do you even have a legitimate reason for not being with her?"

"T-The proposal-"

"So you sacrificed her for a bullshit ass proposal?" I knew all about this stupid ass 'proposal'. Apparently their fathers are working on getting them married to some other successful business man's daughter to help boost their businesses relationship and revenue. The shit is stupid to me.

"We're not like you Andre," he stressed. "We can't have the freedom you do. We HAVE to do this."

"You don't have to do a damn thing. You want to believe you ain't got no choice in shit so you have an excuse." I looked at the both of them in disgust. "Both of y'all are pathetic. No backbone whatsoever. You sick pieces of shit sacrificed an innocent girl because you're weak."

"Now that we know the truth about Kayla," Shawn said. "It's time you start talking about Mickey." I almost forgot the reason I came here.

"We already said-"

"Oh I know for a fact you two wouldn't do nothing to her," I said. "I was mad at first and convinced you did. Considering you would do it to Kayla. It wasn't far-fetched. But looking at you now. You wouldn't do anything to risk your lives right?" Their eyes widened and they nodded. "Good. But you are the only ones who were with her that night. So what the fuck happened?"

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