The Demon's Child

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A/N here is my new story. If you don't like swearing, don't read. Comment on what you think, this is just an opening to see how people feel about it. Enjoy.

Chapter One - Definition

There are a few definitions of the word Demon. One being an evil, cruel or destructive person or thing.

You can understand why many people would fear demons, why they have been hunted for centuries. They are cruel creatures that posses the souls of others, take away a humans sanity and torture the innocent.

A demon is a cold blood killer who lives for their own selfish needs and will do whatever they can to be satisfied.

They say a Demon can not be loved or feel love but can play with someone's emotions so that a human can believe they are in love with a Demon. They are master puppeteers seeing a being as nothing more than strings and fabric.

This is how I came into the world.

My mother was one of the puppets that fell for the master puppeteer being my father. She fell for his fake charm and striking good looks, fell into the web of his lies, where false promises were made and she was used like the fool she was. She saw through rose tinted glasses, seeing only the dashing man my father was, his daring dark eyes and famous smirk.

She should of seen the darkness that oozed from every single pore of him and the empty look of his eyes where his soul should have been.

But she didn't.

Instead she followed him, gave him everything that he wanted.

And ended up with me.

She had the child of a demon, but was so obsessed with my father that when he left she couldn't cope with the thought of bringing me up and so did away with herself.

I should of died along with my mother that day, when she drowned herself in a river her blood coursing with toxic amount of alcohol and a stomach laden with numerous amounts of medication, her pockets full of stones.

I didn't of course, by some evil twist of fate I was rescued by an unknown person, saved from my mothers drowning body.

They tried to keep her alive, or so I'm told but failed. Even if she could of be saved her sanity and humanity had been destroyed, her functioning would have been limited and she would of become nothing more than a blank slate.

So I was saved, never to meet my saver but instead to by adopted by a city witch who lived in the outskirts of a bustling town full of innocent bystanders.

And now here I stood looking down at the river where my mother had decided to take her own life.

She didn't take her own life. It was already taken. And I was half of that disgusting creature that had destroyed the only person who could have loved me.

So I would destroy him.

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