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Jungkook slowly leaned in, practically begging to kiss her. Yeri indeed knew his intentions. Though she wanted it so bad, she knew if she did, it would give him false hope.

"Jungkook stop." Yeri pressed her hand gently on his chest. He knew what she was thinking. He didn't care though. All he wanted was to taste her lips one last time.

"Yeri, I don't care. I just need this just once. I need you right now. I don't care if this is the last time." More tears came upon Jungkook's chocolate eyes, slowly dripping onto Yeri's flush skin.

He leaned in again, but this time their lips met. That feeling. That one feeling that you feel when it feels so right, but you know it is so wrong. That feeling rushed through their veins and pushed out onto their lips.

But, everything good must come to an end. But their ending could only be described as indescribable. Everything around Yeri began closing in and every thing she felt was gone. Black was all she saw.

P.s there's a big ass plot twist coming so like

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