And The Others Arrive

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"Rose, come on!" Victoire says. It's the day before Christmas Eve now, and everyone is at The Burrow. It's really crowded. I haven't told anyone else that I'm pregnant. Victoire is taking me out and she is going to give me pregnancy advice. Adora is staying with Grandma, and Teddy is meeting us later. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I say, putting on my boots. I am wearing a cute outfit perfect for winter (above) and I hurry out the door to leave. 

"Now, how many weeks are you?" Victoire says when we get to our destination. We are at a small Muggle cafe, called London's Little Corner. It's very cute, and it is cozy. 

"About seven." I say. 

"Okay. So you will have symptoms by now, most likely. Am I right?" She asks. I nod.

"I think I got them pretty early. Three weeks." I say. 

"Yes. 4 to 5 weeks is the norm, but 3 isn't unheard of." Victoire says. 

We continue to talk about my pregnancy until Teddy arrives. I hadn't seen him yet, because he had arrived late last night and left before I woke up. 

"Rosie!" He says as he walks up to us. 

"Teddy! Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you in forever." I say, giving him a huge hug. He, being so tall, picks me up off the ground a little when he hugs me back. 

"So eating for two?" He says. I blush. 

"Yeah, but that's nothing compared to Vic. She's eating for four!" I say. Teddy laughs. He sits down at out little table and we carry on a conversation. When it's time to order our drinks, Teddy gets coffee and Victoire and I get herbal tea. 

"Ugh, Teddy. It's not fair. I LOVE coffe and I can't have any. And you're drinking it right in front of me!" Victoire says. I smile. I love coffee too, but the tea here is really good.

"Yes, but you are forgetting that we got to the Burrow at midnight and I got up at 6." Teddy said. Victoire rolls her eyes. 

"Oh, Rose. We have baby names picked out! Well, a few. For a boy, we are thinking William, Levi, Jackson or Landon. For girls, Alaya, Clarity, Juniper, Demi, Taylor, or Delaney. What do you think?" Victoire says. I think about it. 

"For boys, I like Jackson, Landon, William, and Levi in that order. For girls, the order is Demi and Delaney, Juniper and Clarity, and then Alaya and Taylor." I say. I know where Vic. Got the names Demi and Taylor. Victoire was always a big fan of Muggle pop stars, especially Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift. I love them too, but Victoire always had an obsession. 

"Okay. We should probably get back soon." Teddy says. I agree and after about 10 minutes we leave. 

"Rose! Grandma wants to talk to you!" I hear Lily say when we get back. I sigh, but go into the sitting room where she is. 

"Rose... I'm sorry about how I reacted. I am disappointed, but I shouldn't have yelled, dear. Now two questions before you go. How far along, and when are you going to tell everyone?" She asks. 

"7 weeks, and tonight I think. At dinner." I say. 

"Alright dear. Maybe when everyone is finishing dinner though? So you don't ruin the mood at the beginning." Grandma Molly says. 

"That was my plan." I say. 

"Alright then. Go have fun with your cousins." She says. I smile and go up to my room. I'm really starting to miss Scorpius. I haven't spent much time without him recently. Especially this year. 


Scorpius and I had spent the summer as friends, nothing more. 

Now back at school, he is seemingly nervous around me. 

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