From Relieved to Unsure

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As I walk over to the Room of Requirement the next day, I think about Scorpius. I was a virgin the night of the Halloween party. I don't remember all the details but there is one thing I remember clearly. 

(Flashback) Scorpius and I are at the party in the Room Of Requirement. Somehow, James got a hell of a lot of fire whiskey and very alcoholic butterbeer. Everyone from Gryffindor  years 4 and up was there, and few few others including Albus, Scorpius, and a Ravenclaw girl James is dating with her friends. We all got drunk on fire whiskey, and played truth or dare and Seven Minutes In Heaven, two muggle games. Me and Scorpius were selected to go in the closet for Seven Minutes in heaven. We went in, and Scorpius kissed me. We kissed for awhile, until they said our time was up. I smoothed my hair and we came out. The next thing I remember is some sort of muggle drinking game. At about midnight, fourth and fifth year left and only sixth and seventh years were there. The next thing I remember was going back to my room before anyone else. We put silencing charms around the bed, and started kissing. He pull off his shirt and kissed me roughly. He asked me, "Do you want to do this?"    (End Flashback)

I enter the Room Of Requirement and see Scorpius. 

"Well, do you know yet?" He asks.

"It's negative!" I say with a smile.

"Thank god. I could not deal with a child on the way right now." He says. This makes me feel a little worried. If I was pregnant, would he have accepted it? I brush off this question. It doesn't matter now. I sit down with him and give him a kiss. The Room Of Requirement is very nice today. It's a comfortable room with lunch and couches. I like it. We eat and cuddle a little. Then we talk and watch a muggle movie. I go back to my common room happy. 

-Two weeks later-

"Rose are you alright?" Marianna asks? She sounds extremely worried. I would be too if one of my best friends was violently throwing up at 5 am. I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet, breathing heavily. 

"Yeah, I'm just sick." I say weakly. I close my eyes for a second. I walk out of the bathroom and sit on my bed. I feel like I'm going to die. Marianna goes back to bed shortly after my sick episode. I was going to write a letter to my mum today, about how Scorpius is my boyfriend. I know dad will not take it well, but I feel like mum might understand. The whole of Hogwarts knows by now, so they will find out sooner or later. It's not like I'll fall asleep anytime soon, so I go to my desk and start the letter. It reads-

Dear Mum,

First of all, Dad can not under any circumstances (unless I die) see this letter. It has important confidential information that can be seen by your eyes only. 

Now on to what I am really writing to you about. Mum, I know you my be upset about this, but I am dating Scorpius Malfoy. I hope that since you can be kind to him as Al's best friend, you will be kind to him as my boyfriend. Dad can not see the contents of this letter, because I plan to tell him myself over Christmas. Scorpius will already be around for Christmas, since he is staying with Albus this year, so I think it will be a good time to tell everyone. School is good, and I am doing well, although I woke up feeling very sick this morning. Probably just a touch of the flu.

Tell Dad I love and miss him. I miss you Mom.

Much love,                  Rose

I send the letter with  my owl, Calypso. She is so pretty, with grey and white feather as smooth as silk. I sigh and finally relax. But not for long, as I get up and run to the bathroom to vomit. Then it occurs to me. Am I actually pregnant? Could the first test have been wrong? As soon as I finish throwing up, I find a pregnancy test in my bag. I secretively take it into the bathroom and pee on the stick. Then I wait. After only a minute, I see my answer. 


I start balling, but quickly stop myself and cry quiet tears. My friends cannot hear me. I put the pregnancy test into a little bag and immediately owl Scorpius. My note read this-


Room Of Req asap 7:00 am Important please come. 


My hand writing is shaky and I send the note with Calypso as soon as she returns. The time is 6:46 am. I should go down to the R o/ R (Room of Requirement from now on). It is 6:54 when I get there, and I sit down on a couch that had been provided. My stomach has butterflies and I am shaking.I calm down and take A few deep breaths. Then Scorpius comes in.                  

 As soon as he walks In, I start sobbing. He runs over to me.

"Rose! What on earth is wrong?" He says, worriedly. I take the bag with my test out and hand it to him, still sobbing. I bury my face into his shoulder as he opens the bag and pulls out the test. He looks at it, confused. 

"What is this?" He asks. 

"It's a Muggle pregnancy test. The little pink plus sign means positive... Are you mad?" I say when I see him stare at me. His eyes year up and a tear falls. Oh no. He's upset. I start crying even more 

"Rose! I'm... I'm going to be a dad!" He says. I look him in the eyes.

"You aren't mad?" I ask. 

"No, of course not." Scorpius tells me. "But I thought you said you weren't pregnant."

"It was too early to tell, I suppose." I explain, as I stop crying. Scorpius kisses me. I lean into him. 

"Scorpius... What about our parents?" I ask. His face, before happy, goes pale.                

A/N------Nice long chapter, 1035 words. Thank you for reading, and make sure to vote, comment and keel reading!!!!! I am going on vacation very very soon! No more updates until September 30 or later!😢 Love you all who take the time to read my writing!

Survey!!! Who are your top 3 favorite YouTube's? Mine are

3. LDShadowlady- the beautiful unicorn Lizzie

2. KKandbabyJ- Keren, Khoa, Jackson and Landon!!!!!         Vloggers and the Khoa-lity of their videos is great.     


1. OKbaby- Best YouTube's EVER. Oscar, Kyra, Little Levi(Buggy) and Baby Alaya(Mini Bug!) They have a beautiful family and I am obsessed. 

You should check them all out, and make sure to comment your answer!                           

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