Chapter 9

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I sat in the living room with seven of the men that I had never stopped loving. North and Sean were currently in the triplet's room, getting them to sleep. Peeking up from underneath my eyelashes, I watch all of them. There were little things that never changed. Like the way that Luke was always playing around or the way that Owen was the picture of perfection. 

Silas was the silent, gentle giant that look like he could make a mobster cry for his other but would never hurt a puppy. Victor was quiet, his fingers moving along his thigh like he was playing on a piano. he was probably trying to figure out a melody that was stick in his head. Nathan was leaning up against the wall behind Silas, his eyes glued to me. His shirt molded to his body and I knew that he must have been pushing himself in his workouts. It was where he managed to find peace with everything and clear his mind. 

Kota's lips were quickly moving and I realized that he was counting. It was always his go to when things got chaotic for him. Counting forced his mind to slow down and take everything in. And Gabriel- he was going from picture to picture that I had hanging up around the living room, commenting on how the children and I were dressed. But not one of them were saying anything to me. Not that I blamed them. I had run after their memories were taken from them and I hid a big secret from them... that they were fathers. 

Finally, half an hour later, North and Sean came back into the room. The smiles on their faces would be forever burned into my mind. How could I have taken this from them? Even if they had no memories of me in their lives?

Looking up, I suddenly found myself face-to-face with North. "Don't do that, Sang Baby. It wasn't your fault. You were doing what you thought was best for you and the child you were caring... children. Sean, I and the other do not blame you." I couldn't help but slowly look back around the room to see that the others were nodding to what North was saying. 

Suddenly my eyes snapped back to Owen. "Does anyone know that you're here?" His brows lowered. "What do you mean Sang?" 

"Does any other Academy team know that all nine of you are here in Wyoming?"

"No," he said as he turned to look at Victor. "We made our digital trail end just outside of Charleston. As far as the Academy knows, we're still in South Carolina. Why?" All nine sets of eyes were locked on me. "The Toma team are here. There might be others but I'm not sure. All I know is that they are all looking for you, the Academy wants the nine of you back. And they are willing to use me and my children as bait to get you back. Though, I'm not sure how because to them, none of you knew that I was pregnant when you lost your memories."

Silence filled the room before Owen cleared his throat. "I promise you Sang that no one will touch you or your three children. We will protect the four of you with our lives. We're out of the Academy for a while. About six years ago, we were ambushed and got our memories back. It killed us when we realized that you were no where to be found. And we tried everything."

"It wasn't until we moved here to get rid of the Academy tails that we got our first break." Nathan spoke up and I gave him a small smile. "We noticed that we had a lovely neighbor with blonde hair. Only she had three small children. It did not connect with us until North overheard a conversation between you and Serena at the park." 

"I have been praying every day since the day I left that hospital room that the nine of you would get your memories back. And with each passing day, that hope would slowly die within me. When I ran into Axel and Raven, I started thinking about running. I was getting ready to pack up and move. But I wasn't sure exactly where I was going, just not the East Coast." 

A pair of large hands wrapped around mine, making me look up. Silas smiled down at me. "Don't worry aggele mou, you don't have to run anymore. You have us with you and we're not planning on going anywhere without you and the little ones beside us."

"Always," eight different voices echoed and i felt my eyes start to burn with unshed tears. Maybe, just maybe my heart would be able to be whole now.

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