A Donor is Found

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Hiashi brought the results back to his clan. The results dissapionted them greatly. The boy's eyes were destroyed, no amount of money they donated would be able to change that. But how else could they repay their debt to the boy.

Hiashi was at a lost until word was sent to him from a member of the branch family with a very specific request.

His name was Kasumi and he was somewhat of a black sheep among the clan. He was, at no fault of his own, a failed attempt to combine the sharingan and byakugan and to bring peace between the Uchiha and Hyūga clan. But the Uchiha mother died upon his birth and the boy came out with greyish white eyes and no dojutsu to speak of. After this the two clans abandoned the idea to ever mix their dojutsu again and continued their rivalry.

The boy's father shunned him all the way to his death bed and the boy was made an outcast that felt he had no purpose at least until now.

He had heard of Naruto's condition and of the clan's predicament. He himself had a severe disease with no chance of survival. He only had a week or so to live so he no longer had no use for his eyes. He wanted to give them to the child and to be remembered as the one who delivered the clan from their debt.

Hiashi took this up with the elder Hyūga council who agreed only because no dojutsu would be leaving the fold. If Kasumi couldn't activate the byakugan or sharingan then neither would Naruto.

Hiashi then sent word to the Hokage and healer in charge of Naruto who was still in a coma and the surgery was set.

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