October 29, 2017

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Me, Henry, and Cassie just ran the Doomfang Charity Dash, a 5k run all over Doomfang. Maggie was one of the water station volunteers. I noticed she was wearing the picture glasses, the same glasses we used to figure out that our science teacher was a monster. Here's the thing, I've seen some other weird stuff around here. Like the wolf that disappeared. I'd like to do some more research into this stuff, but I don't know where to start. My guess is that I'll get a clue on Halloween. We're currently preparing for the big day. Maggie's house is probably more secure than Fort Knox at this point. We have automated GAL turrets, GSSEs all over the place, and The Ghost is going to be parked across the ravine with its GAL cannon. I have no idea where Maggie parks The Ghost, and this way I have plausible deniability. Now I need to go check the GAL turrets.

Hi! Basher here! Two things: one, from now on all bold and italicized text means a note from me. Two, who's your favorite character so far? Nathan, Cassie, Maggie, Henry, Val, or Hendrix?

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