Chapter 13

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Jeon Hyerin's POV

We were on our way to The hotel they were staying in when Jin's phone rang.

He answered it


"The heck?!" His eyes widend causing taehyung to look at him while driving.

"Taehyung, turn left" jin ordered him.

"Wae?" Taehyung asked in confusion

"Just turn left!" Then taehyung turned.

"We are on our way" then he hang up.

"What was that?" Jisoo asked him

"The members got into a car crash" he sound worried.

"WHAT?!" Me and taehyung yelled.

I began to tear up.

"They crashed with another car, fucking stupid driver" he whispered the last part.

"Who called you?" I asked him while sniffing.

"Yoongi" he then handed me his Pink towel.

We arrived at the hospital.

I began to run at the hall not minding the looks of people gave me.

Jisoo and the others were behind me.

"Hyerin, this way" jin guided me inside the elevator.

"Please be okay" i clasped my hands and prayed.

We arrived at the third floor and Jin grabbed my hand to relax me a bit.

"We're here" we stopped at a blurry glass door.

He opened it revealing yoongi sitting at the chair between Hoseok and namjoon.

"You guys arrived" he stood up and hugged Taehyung and Jin. Without noticing us from behind.

Then without hesitating i ran beside Jungkook

Yoongi's eyes widened.

"Why is hyerin here?" He looked back at me and taehyung.

"Long story" jin chuckled a bit.

"What happened?" jisoo wrapped her arms around taehyung's.

"They got into a car crash. They wanted to go around the city" he sniffed.

"They asked me if i wanted to come but i insisted." His nose were red from crying.

"Are they gonna be okay?" I asked while holding Jungkook's hand.

I looked at him and i saw cuts all over his hands. Maybe he covered his face.

I teared up and hugged him.

"I'll let you go today, I'm gonna cut your balls when we get back" i wiped my tears.

"Luckily they weren't that injured" then we sighed in relief.

"JIMIN-AH~!" taehyung waddled over to jimin's bed, causing Namjoon and hoseok to wake up.

They groaned in pain when they lifted their head.

"Omg you're okay!" Jin went over between Hoseok and namjoon.

"Thanks for worrying, hyung" hoseok smiled.

"Ow, stop that tae" we looked over and it was taehyung poking the bandages around jimin's Arms.

Jungkook hasn't woke up yet, he's a deep sleeper.

I let go of him and kissed his cheeks before going to the other members.

Jisoo was asleep at the chair, she was tired from the trip.

I went over to NamSeok

"Hey, you guys doing fine?" I smiled and hugged at them.

"What are you doing here hyerin?" Namjoon asked.

"Nothing, Just wanted to come" i chuckled.

"You guys should rest" i patted their head and went over to Jibooty.

"Yah, How's the jibooty? Did the glass deflated them?" I grinned at Jimin.

"They are still Round and Thic like Kim kardashian" he slapped his butt the  turned serious.

"I'm worried about jungkook" his eyes softend at the maknae.

"W-why?" I became nervous.

"He sat at the front seat together with Namjoon hyung" he bit his lip.

"Atleast the impact wasn't that hard on us but, the car that crashed on us was horrifying" he looked at the window and back at me.

Then the door opened revealing yoongi

"The driver who crashed on you guys are here at the hospital, beside this room" he said and i stood up then patted jimin to rest.

"I'm going to see them" i smiled at him and we went out

I don't know how to react, i have mixed emotion inside me.

Angry and saddness.

Yoongi opened the door and our eyes almost dropped.

"Samantha?!" We both yelled causing her to look at us.

"H-hello" she lowered her head.

"You?!" I wanted to beat the shit out of her but she was injured also.

She began to cry

"It's my fault,MY BESTFRIEND ALMOST DIED BECAUSE OF ME!" Then she hit her self

Yoongj stopped her and i froze when i looked beside her bed.

"When she recovers, im gonna smack her brain out and use it as a sponge to wash her mouth" i hissed and at the same time i felt bad for her.

"Lets get back to others" then we walked back inside the Members Room.

The brunetted haired girl has a bandage around her head and her complexion is pale.

I looked at the monitor and her heartbeat was weak.

I ran outside to call a doctor.

I panicked and so did Samantha and yoongi.

Me and yoongi was dragged out when the doctors arrived.


Wah~ you thought she died?


Anyways thank you for reading💛💛


We're Married | J.Jk FF| 》sequel To Married To My Ex-bestfriend《जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें