You're not Jimin?

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*Your P.O.V*      
I made my way out of hell. A.k.a my school. I transferred about six months ago.
Back home in (y/c/n) (just the Name of your hometown/country) I was quite popular and I also had a few friends. But now, in Korea I'm basically alone. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being left alone, in peace. But I'm starting to feel lonely and being lonely sucks.
Currently I'm not able to go back to my hometown, since my parents told me it would be safer to live with my aunt. I wasn't in Danger! I'm able to protect myself, but my parents don't believe me.

My Aunt, Gwen moved to Seoul when she was 18, but my mother stayed in (y/c/n). Aunt Gwen lives alone in a honestly big mansion. I kind of have my own apartement there, with a bathroom, a really tiny but functioning kitchen and a living/gaming room. My aunt has a famous shop where you can get ANYTHING. From food to make-up to furniture, but it's opened 24/7 so she isn't that often at home.
For real though, if I was in Danger why would my parents basically leave me all alone? Like dude, where the shizzle is the sense?! Everytime I have to think of this I get angry. Normally, I try my best to not get angry, since Anger is just something that makes your Life even more difficult than it already is.
But honestly, why would my parents just give me away with a poorly probably made up excuse?

I unlocked the door to my room, because I'm allowed to lock it up. I threw myself in the bed and started to blast some of my favorite Songs. If I was in the mood right now, I'd do my homework but I simply wasn't. I closed my eyes and laid my phone on my chest. After a few Songs passed, I felt it vibrating. I was shocked, why would anyone text me?
The only possible Person is my aunt, but she was working so how could she be able to text me? I slowly unlocked my phone and clicked on my messenger.

Ayo, Mr. Park I just took a shit in your bathroom since some dumbass is blocking mine. Have fun smelling the bomb.

Excuse me? I think you have the...


(I edited this story soooooooo have fun reading this. And vote if you liked it. I also enjoy reading comments

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