False Alarm

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I opened my door, feeling a little bit exhausted. I just wanted to go outside, without the intention of meeting two people I liked. I didn't want them to see me looking that awful. I hope Yoongi doesn't worry about me that much. That's the last thing I needed right now.

 I suddenly realized that I must've dropped my key outside, because I couldn't find it anymore. So I rapidly opened the door and walked outside once again. My Attention however, wasn't drawn to the key on the stone floor, rather Drew who was walking past my house.

What the heck?!

Y/N: Drew, I thought you were about to go home!

Did he... Did he follow me? Is he a Stalker? Or was he the Danger my parents talked about?

I started to shake a little bit and my Heart started pounding madly.

He turned towards me, smiling widely.

Drew: Oh, Y/N. I was actually about to do that, I was just going the wrong direction earlier... Being foreign to a country rellay sucks. Well-

Drew shrugged.

Drew:-It is what it is. Am I right?

Being perplex, because of my unfounded Fear, I chuckled.

Y/N: Right, I was like this too when I was new. Good Luck with finding your way back home.

I bent down and got my key. Still dumbfounded, I went back inside. I was never this easy scared, whats wrong with me lately?Crying over a boy, I dont even know and then being scared of one, I've known my whole life. Shaking my head, I rushed to the freezer in the kitchen and put the almost completly melted ice cream inside. Sighing, I went to my bedroom. A few new messages from Yoongi.


Y/N... Please let me make it up to you.

I have a big secret okay? So its not that easy getting to know you... I'm always trying to drop some hints, but you don't get them...

Wait. Did he call me stupid? Being my easily offended self, I shut my phone down and blasted some music. At first, it were typical Chart Songs, but then I slipped into the K-Pop Genre. After some time, I only listened to BTS. Their songs awoken something in me. The lonely Feeling, that stuck in my body the whole day ebbed away. I forgot about the ice cream in my Freezer and my eyes flickered into darkness due to exhaustion.

When I woke up the next day, I realized that I totally overslept.Geez, going to school now is worthless. I guess I have to call in sick another time. Right when I wanted to close my eyes once again, my Aunt stormed into my Room.

Gwen: Y/N L/N! Why aren't you at school?

Y/N: Why aren't you at work?

Gwen: Unlike you, I have the ability to let other people do the work for me.

She closes the door, as if someone could overhear our conversation.

Gwen: Y/N, is it getting bad again?

She's talking about the time, back home. Let's call them my big, black dog days. And in fact, I don't know if it's that worse. But I'm scared that the feeling of betrayal transforms into that nothingness, I once felt. I just shrugged.

Gwen: Is it because of school?

No, it's because of someone I texted with for a long time, who seems to be catfishing me.

Y/N: Yes, it is...

Gwen: Youre parents told me, I should do whatever's possible to keep you safe and healthy. I think you should attend online school then. I'll talk to your School okay? Youll be better soon, I promise.

And with that, she left. I have to say, Gwen may isn't here often. But shes a great Aunt. I know that she'll always have my back.

Feeling a little bit happy about not having to go to school again, I started Netflix on my TV. I turned 'To all the Boys I've loved before' on. Seeing Noah Centineo, I was reminded of Andrew. Since they quite had a lot similarities. Maybe I should meet up with him soon, if the catfish Yoongi still doesn't want to. But for now, staying in my room for a few more days sounds amazing.

Wrong Number ( Min Yoongi X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz