"she has razor sharp fingers like you do." Bumblebee replied.

"I've commed Ratchet." Prowl said. Bumblebee nodded slightly. Ratchet appeared in the door way.

"I believe I'm here to disable some sparkling weapons." Ratchet snickered. Bumblebee glared at him.

"yeah she's got my stingers." Bumblebee replied. Ratchet winced.

"I remember you when you first found your stingers." Ratchet muttered.

"oh yeah?" Prowl ask with interest. "how old was he?" Prowl ask.

"a day old." Ratchet chuckled. "so I'm sitting in the medbay, of course I had to take him with me to work, not that anyone minded and Ironhide came in and was playing around with him while I fixed something in his arm cannon. he suddenly jerked and dropped Bumblebee. when I looked up, some of his circuitry was on fire. he's hurt Bumblebee on accident and Bumblebee had stung the slag outta him for it. thats how he got his name. Ironhide said it stung like a creature Wheeljack had researched before, from this planet and thats where his name came from." Ratchet replied.

"sweet." Bumblebee smirked. then paused. "oh wait, not sweet. I set Ironhide on fire? is that why he doesn't like me?" Bumblebee ask.

"that and once while I was working on him, before you were taken, you decided his fingers were the perfect place to chew and chewed them up. so he had to stay in there even longer for me to fix that." Ratchet chuckled. "though he was on your search and rescue team. I couldn't always take time to look for you, so Ironhide helped organize searches for you." Ratchet replied, stepping back from Luna once he was finished. "he said he was angry at you for shocking him and eating his fingers, but didn't mean he didn't care for you. you were like a little brother to him. betcha don't remember who taught you to shoot your first weapon and it wasn't mean. once you shocked him, Ironhide was obsessed with your stingers." Ratchet chuckled. Bumblebee laughed.

"doesn't surprise me." Bumblebee replied. "that bot loves every weapon." Bumblebee added. "so she's not gonna have any more surprise weapons right?" Bumblebee ask.

"nope. I've disabled them all, but looks like she's got an EMP with her stingers, so when she gets older, be careful." Ratchet said.

"thanks." Prowl said.

"here let me check your arm." Ratchet said.

"nothing major. trust me. you would not believe the amount of times I got myself with my stingers while in Decepticon captivity. every day it was some new escape plan and I ended up getting shocked my them pretty much daily." Bumblebee said.

"I'm gonna check anyway." Ratchet replied. Bumblebee held out his arm for Ratchet to look over. "she used EMP on you, with her stinger. thats what I feared. she disabled your stinger in this arm." Ratchet said, moving to fix it.

"great. a ninja smart sparkling with an EMP/electric shock weapon and a base full of unsuspecting victims." Bumblebee said glaring at Prowl.

"not my fault." Prowl shrugged. "not my weapons she inherited." Prowl added.

"and where did the door wings come from?" Bumblebee ask.

"I looked into Prowls family history, there are wings on both side." Ratchet replied.

"wait who had wings on my side?" Bumblebee ask.

"your mom." Ratchet replied. "she was disappointed as pits when you didn't have any." Ratchet snickered. Bumblebee smiled chuckled softly, but he saw Wheeljack watching quietly from the door way.

:bulletyellow: Wheeljack? :bulletyellow:

:bulletwhite: be careful asking about your mother. it still upsets him that he couldn't do anything for her. :bulletwhite:

Bumblebee nodded slightly and Wheeljack walked away quietly.

"you should tell me about her sometime." Bumblebee said watching Ratchet closely for a reaction. Ratchet shrugged.

"alright." Ratchet replied. Bumblebee was shocked.

"really?" Bumblebee ask. Ratchet nodded.

"yeah sure. you deserve to know. not today though." Ratchet said. Bumblebee nodded at watched him go.

"hey Prowl." Bumblebee said. Prowl looked over at him. Bumblebee smiled. "feels good to have a family doesn't it?" Bumblebee ask. Prowl stared at him a moment and Bumblebee was afraid he was angry, but a small smile crossed his faceplates.

"yes. it does." Prowl smiled. Bumblebee smiled back kissing his bondmate deeply.

"easy you two. no more sparklings." Jazz teased walking in. they turned and glared at him.

"why are you in here?" Prowl ask. Jazz got serious.

"I thought you offlined Starscream?" Jazz ask.

"I did why?" Prowl ask.

"he's been spotted flying toward the base." Jazz said. Bumblebee quickly scooped Luna up, pulling her close.

"Jazz take Bumblebee and Luna. get Bumblebee a new alt mode and get them away. take them somewhere, where they'll be safe okay?" Prowl said. Jazz nodded and led Bumblebee away. Luna whined reaching for Prowl. Bumblebee cuddles her gently shushing her. Jazz helped Bumblebee with an alternate vehicle form, loaded him with stuff for Luna, then loaded Luna into his backseat. they took off quickly. Luna started whining. Bumblebee's voice filtered in through the speakers.

"hey it's okay Luna. it's alright. I know, you miss your daddy huh?" Bumblebee ask. she cried. "maybe you're hungry." Bumblebee muttered softly. "Jazz we need to pull over somewhere. I think she's hungry." Bumblebee said.

"no can do just yet lil Bee. we gotta get you two out of the town." Jazz replied.

"I can't just sit here and listen to my child cry." Bumblebee stated.

"we're almost there Bee. do you want to listen to her cry or have her taken from you or worse offlined in front of you?" Jazz ask.

:bulletblack: I don't know what you just did and I don't care. Bumblebee is still emotional and you better tell him sorry right now. whatever you just said has him practically crying over the bond. :bulletblack:

:bulletwhite: :bulletblue: he told you he was upset? :bulletwhite: :bulletblue:

:bulletblack: of course not! he's not a sparkling. I can feel it over our bond. he just had a sparkling. he's extremely sensitive and emotional and you better apologize now and I mean NOW Jazz. :bulletblack:

:bulletwhite: :bulletblue: alright alright calm down! don't get your circuits in a knot. :bulletwhite: :bulletblue:

"look lil Bee, maybe that was a little too harsh, but Prowl told me to get you two out of here and protect you and I'm not getting you two away from here if we have to stop." Jazz said. Bumblebee didn't answer, but he could tell by the way he held himself in his vehicle mode, that Bumblebee was still upset with what he'd said. Jazz sighed and continued to lead him out of the city. he did have to admit after a bit, the hungry cries of the helpless sparkling got to him. "alright. I can't take it. look there's a cave over here. lets go hide in it while you feed Luna." Jazz said. again, Bumblebee said nothing, but turned his blinker on to turn, showing Jazz that he was indeed acknowledging him. they got into the cave and Jazz unloaded everything from Bumblebee so he could transform. Bumblebee took Luna and hushed her quickly with a bottle of energon. he walked quietly around the cave with her, looking it over. Jazz watched him. "do you want me to apologize again?" Jazz ask. Bumblebee looked at him blankly. "I didn't mean for it to come out that way Bee, I'm sorry. really I am. her cries even got to me after a bit." Jazz said.

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