Something Blue (Part 1) // Jay x Nya (*)

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"I know, sis. Thanks."

"And I'm telling you, wedding preparations can be a pain, but the actual 'getting married' bit feels really great."

Kai smiled at his younger sibling. "I love seeing you this happy, especially after you've been so stressed out. What did the girls do to you last night?"

"Oh, you know... someone recently said to me I should try to enjoy the day no matter what happens, and I am just following their advice."

"Sounds like a very wise and very attractive person to me." Kai stated with a smirk.

"Oh, totally. And definitely not short of confidence either." Nya agreed. "And last night... well, let's just say the girls made me realise that there are more important things about a wedding than the flowers or the cake..."

"Nothing is more important than cake. Especially not at a wedding." Cole joined the siblings, a glass of champagne in one hand and carefully balancing a plate loaded with sushi and spring rolls in the other. "But that's also some really nice food you picked for the reception, Nya. I was starving after the ceremony. When I get married, we will have some snacks even before the wedding."

"Cole, if you consider the food as the most important part of a wedding, no one will ever marry you." Kai chided his friend.

"Hey Sel." The black Ninja called to his girlfriend. "What's the most important thing about a wedding?"

"Celebrating the unbreakable love between two people." She shouted back. "And the cake."

"You see?" He grinned.

Kai rolled his eyes at the black Ninja. "Did you two by any chance meet on a dating site for cake-obsessed people?"

"You two make a great couple." Nya laughed. "I am really happy for you."

"Be careful, Nya has gotten over her pre-wedding jitters and now wants everyone else to get married too." Her brother warned the other male.

"I'd say that's not gonna happen for a while, we haven't seen each other for that long." Cole replied. "Although I wouldn't mind having wedding food every day. Would you like some sushi?" He offered his plate to Nya. "I know these are your favourites. And you probably haven't eaten much all day."

"You are right, thank you." She loved sushi, but having to avoid the pieces containing raw fish, Nya picked a kappa maki.

"So, this is where all the food went." Jay came walking over, holding two glasses containing an orange liquid in his hands. "And my wonderful wife." He handed one of the glasses to Nya. "Orange juice. My mum insisted that we need more vitamins if we want to make it through the evening..."

"Thanks, Jay." She flashed him a grateful smile before taking a sip from her glass. "Edna is too sweet. How is she doing?"

"Still a bit shaken but much better." Her husband explained. "Cole, stop eating all that stuff, we're gonna have dinner soon."

"And I hate to disturb your little gathering, but we need to start getting everyone inside rather soon, if we want to stick to our schedule." Zane had suddenly appeared behind the groom.

"Leave that to us." Cole gave his best friend as pat on the back. "The two of you haven't really had a break so far, so maybe you want to stay out here for another moment, or two."

"Thanks, guys."

"I like getting married, everyone keeps spoiling us." Nya smiled at her husband. "But I am sure I will also love being married to you."

"Me too. And I am really looking forward to going on our honeymoon tomorrow. But now that we finally have a moment to ourselves, there is something I've been waiting to do all afternoon."

Jay placed the two empty glasses on the ground and wrapped his arms around his wife's slender waist, drawing her in for a deep and long kiss.


It took quite a while to usher everyone into the bright and tastefully decorated function room. Thus, the newly wedded couple, after taking a bit longer than just two moments to themselves, arrived just in time to welcome their guests one more time before the dinner would start.

"Good evening everyone." Jay announced after clearing his throat a couple of times. As much as he enjoyed talking, he didn't like speaking in front of a large audience at all. "And thank you all very much for joining us here to celebrate this special day with us."

"Don't worry, we will keep this rather short." Nya added. "As we are sure you are all looking forward to the dinner."

"Probably some more than others." Jay chimed in, giving a side glance at Cole who was sitting next to him.

"Anyway, we would just like to thank the people who have helped us to make this day possible – and who really haven't had it easy with us in the past few weeks." Nya continued. "Yes, I am talking about our friends and teammates Zane, Lloyd, Kai – the best brother one could ever ask for – and Cole, my husband's best friend and also his best man tonight."

"And then, we have the lovely bridesmaids, Seliel, P.I.X.A.L., and Skylor, Nya's maid of honour." It was Jay's turn again. "Sky's restaurant has not only provided the great food at the reception earlier, but she also helped us make a little gift for our guests. You each find a personalised fortune cookie on your place. So please do not swap them. And I would like to remind certain people that you are not supposed to swallow them in whole."

"Jay and I have also each made one for the other." Nya handed a fortune cookie to her husband. "This one is yours. I know you hate waiting, so you can read yours first." She offered.

Jay broke his cookie and took out the folded small piece of paper.

"A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other." He read out his message. "Jay: I am far from perfect and I haven't always made it easy for you to love me, but even in the worst times, you never gave up on me. I promise to never give up on you – on us – again. I will love you for as long as I live, and beyond. PS: Remember to always stay as imperfect as you are. Because I like – love – you best when you are you.

He swallowed. "We may have come a long way from there, but I'll never forget the day when you first told me this."

"Me neither." Nya smiled at him. She then opened her fortune cookie.

"Nya: After all we've been through, you know me better than anyone else in all 16 realms (including those weird guys from Cloud Kingdom) and yet you've still agreed to marry me." She read. "I have loved you from the moment we met, and with every day I've loved you more the more I've gotten to know you. I promise to make you happy, to make you laugh, and to always be there for you, each day of our life."

While a round of applause was given, Nya embraced her husband, a few tears glistening in her eyes. "Thank you." She whispered.

"No, thank you. I meant every word of it." He whispered back, before placing a delicate kiss on her lips.

"Well, I think we've kept you waiting for long enough now." Jay then addressed their guests again, raising his glass. "Thank you very much again for coming, and enjoy your meal."

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