"Ruhi baby" Madhu quickly picked her daughter up in her arms and took her to the bed.

"I am sorry, baby" Madhu stretched beside Ruhi and wrapped her arm gently around her little tummy.

"You hurt?" She asked gently massaging Ruhi's knees.

"Yeah" Ruhi whined.


"Dohno" (don't know) Ruhi said scratching her hair.

"Then sleep. You will forget your pain when you wake up in the morning" Madhu tucked her in and turned off the light.

"Mama" Ruhi screamed kicking away her blankie.

"What?" Madhu's hand quickly reached for the bedside lamp and she turned it on.

"Papa! He didn't come to bed" she complained when her momma turned off the light before her daddy got onto the bed.

"He won't be coming. Learn to sleep without him, Ruhi." Madhu said harshly.

"I want papa. I am going to papa" she tried to crawl out of the bed but Madhu grabbed her onesie and dragged her back to lie beside her.

"Mama, leave me"

"Ruhi, sleep!" She scolded. Ruhi slapped her momma's chest twice in anger before starting to cry. "Wah, Ruhi? You slapped me but you are crying? Darling, I should be the one crying not you"

"Lemme go, mama. I want papa" she cried, kicking her legs in air.

"So you don't want momma?"

"I want you. I'll bring papa here"

"No, I don't want your papa in my room, in my bed"

"Why?" Ruhi asked with a cute frown. Till yesterday they, three, were sleeping in one bed right? Then what happened now? Little Ruhi couldn't understand her parents' complicated life.

"No means no" she snapped. Ruhi slapped her momma's mouth with her little hand.



Madhu couldn't help but laugh at the way her little daughter got angry.

"Go, sleep with your papa" Madhu picked her daughter from the bed and put her down on the floor and gave her a gentle spank on her behind pushing her to run to her daddy's room.

"I love you, mama" Ruhi blew a kiss and wobbled out of the room.


"Papa, open the door" Ruhi softly tapped on the door. "Papa" she called again but no response.

Rk was in the shower so he didn't hear the soft knock at the door.

"Papa, I am sleepy, open the door" Ruhi said softly leaning against the door trying to push it open but it was locked from inside.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" Ruhi yelled but still her baby voice wasn't audible enough for him to hear from the bathroom.

After trying few more time she got tired and slept slumping down on the floor and leaning against the door.

After taking a long hot shower Rk walked out of the bathroom and got dressed in a pair of track pants and black T-shirt.

He laid on his back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling willing sleep will took over him but it was far away.

It was his last night in his home…No, not home. Home is not just a place but a feeling given by a person but here Rk lacked the special person to give such feeling so it wasn’t a home for him. It was just a huge house built with plain bricks and cement.

Baby Daddy (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now