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It's been a tiring day for both of us. Emily is the best! She knows how to make me feel light and better. I will never ever leave her again for just a guy. I will never ever replace her.

But I want to have time on my own. I want to be alone where no one knows me.

I'll go somewhere where no one knows me, where no one will find me. A near province.

I stayed at the mini beach at Zoran Province. It looks isolated but still on business.

Eighteen days passed. I still hadn't viewed my phone yet since we broke up. Yes, I decided to break up with him on my own. Day by day I'm getting used to it, forgetting him. Moving on but there's a piece in my heart that sill does, want him.

I stared at the mirror, seeing myself physically changed. My skin tanned, I'm skinnier. If I can change physically therefore I can change emotionally.

From this day onwards, I will not think of him anymore. I thought.

Someone knocked...

I opened, I'm shocked to what I saw, and it was Adam, standing in front of me. I can't, I froze.

We stood for a moment.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him, he's staring directly to my eyes. I shook my head.

“I'm here to bring you back home.”


“Elisse,” He paused, “Can we talk?” He asked.

I walked away, halfway through the hallway I looked back. “What are you waiting for? You said you want to talk?” I told him, my voice flat, and no emotion on my face.

He followed me.

We came to the end of the beach. He's not talking.

The sun touches my skin. Burning. I forgot to wear footwear, now I'm standing barefoot, feeling the crunching sand underneath, getting wet because of the sea.

“Do you still love me?”

I didn’t speak.

“Because I do love you.” He sighed, “I want you back… in my arms.”

I can't help but cry, tears falling.

“Please forgive me.” He finally said.

“I can't.” I told him. My voice dead.

“Elisse.” He walked to me.

“No.” I shook my head.

“Please.” He touched my face. I feel his warm hands. No.

“Adam, just let go of me.” I said, removing his hands on me. “I don't want to see you anymore.

 Then I walked away.

I looked back, seeing him cry and kneeled. This is the end for us. Of all people, why you? I do, I still want you, love you but I don't want to be hurt again. I can't trust you again. I thought.

I Should Have Known YouKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat