"You burnt again!" She cried. "I knew this was going to happen! I always told you to stir carefully, child, stir with attention and precision! And the rotis?! Do you remember the way I ran behind you while you ran away at the mention of the rotis? You only wanted to bake them in ovens! Now look how you have shamed me! Astaghfirullah, burning rotis in the age I was mother to two!"

"Oh don't cry now, mamma," I said. "Chill. Aunty Husna isn't really that mad. I mean, I'll probably make her some sevai to win her love again, and those stupid rotis will be forgotten."

"She isn't showing it! She must be regretting her choice for her diamond of a son now. Oh Allah, you put me in misery, Adinah! How would I face her now?!"

Now I was mad. "Mamma can you cool it with the whole 'diamond son' thing now? Your son-in-law is nothing like you've always liked to believe, I assure you. And the sooner you understand this fact, the better!"

"Why, what did he do? Give you a flower you don't like? Adinah, don't shame me this way. I have taught you the correct way to do things, and still you're doing them so clumsily?! The first time I spoke to my mother after my marriage I took pride in stating that I'd won everyone's hearts by cooking so well!"

"Why mamma, now you'll say you bragged of how well your husband treated you, right?"

"I didn't say he isn't as good as they thought, at least! Adinah, please, please don't ruin me. My children and my image is the one thing I have now."

"I know, mamma. And now leave these things, I don't want to fight with you," I sighed. "I don't to fight with him, or anyone!"

"You've alright fought with Hasan? Beta, don't you know? A husband and wife's relationship is all about understanding. You must apologise and resolve it as soon as you can."

"I did apologise when it was my fault. But this time it isn't, so why should I?"

"Then involve someone and try to get things straight. It's too early for arguments, beta!"

"Mamma he's really being a dramatic jerk. I didn't do anything; he's mad at me for having a different opinion than his. I mean, it's not like everything is his problem! But he goes and makes everything his problem and yells at me for not letting him get his way."

"In that case, Adinah, you need to learn how to share your life with somebody. I know you've had your way all this while but you need to get used to someone else also having a say in things.
Something small like wanting to move a chair shouldn't make you feel like he's too controlling, or he will feel so, which will only be trouble for you."

"A chair, mamma?" I laughed. "What he's trying to persuade everyone into might ruin a life."

"Ya Allah! What does that mean? Who's life?!"

"Oh don't bother, mamma. It will cause more unnecessary drama. I should try to do something myself. Uff," I sighed.

"I don't know, Adinah, and I don't have to. I only know one thing : men have larger brains than women, and they're naturally smarter. I hope you understand. Hasan is a smart boy, and I handed you to him only after I was convinced of it."

I rolled my eyes. "Mamma, I need to go. To the boy you handed me to. I'll call you again soon insha Allah?"

"No, I want to talk to you again only when you're here with me. It's a dawat for you and Hasan, and it's your homework to make it up with him before tomorrow evening."


"Assalaam Alaikum."

"Aaaah. Walekum Assalam!"

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