"Where have you been?!" Mother yells yanking me away from Yoongi. "He was with me Ma'am," Yoongi says bowing to my mother. "Thank you for watching this child," mother grits out. I look down to my feet. I felt ashamed of myself. Mother didn't like me and was never nice to me. "Mother! What do you think father would think of this?!" Hoonie says glaring softly at mother. "Your father doesn't care about this child! He was a mistake! You were never supposed to happen!" Mother yells tears falling down her cheeks. "Mother! You can't say that! Just because father had an affair and Jimin was the outcome doesn't me you take those feeling out on him!" Hoonie shouts pushing me towards Yoongi. Yoongi hugged my to his chest and ran to the front doors.

"What's going on Yoongi?" I ask scared of the sudden events. "Nothing Jimin. You don't have to worry about anything," Yoongi says out of breath. He set me down and took my hand. I heard Yoongi groan. I look up to him. His eyes were fixed on a couple kissing at one of the small tables that the guards and hunter ate lunch and dinner at. "Ewww!" I scream hiding behind Yoongi. "Come on Jimin, lets go," Yoongi rushes out and pulls me along. "My feet hurt Yoongi!" I whine dragging my feet. "Alright, I'll carry you, only if you can wait a week until I come back," Yoongi said stopping beside me. I pout and puff my cheeks out. "Fine!" I stomp my foot and throw my hands into the air waiting for Yoongi to pick me up.

I yelp when Yoongi swung me into the air and spun me around. I giggle when I get butterflies in my stomach. "I'm only going to be able to stay for dinner and then I have to get back to my pack, okay?" Yoongi asks propping me on his hip. "Why can't you stay longer?" I whine, tears welling up in my eyes. "If I stay longer, then you will have to wait longer for me to come back," Yoongi says keeping his gaze forward. I huff out. Yoongi was one of my favorite people in the world. When he's gone everything is so lonely. I miss the summer time when he is able to stay for weeks at a time. Now that it is fall and packs have to prepare for winter Yoongi is double busy and doesn't have time for me.

When we got inside the house Mother, Daddy, and Hoonie were sitting on the couches. A few guards stood behind the couches. "Mommy, are you okay?" I ask wiggling out of Yoongi's hold. I ran to her side and grabbed for her hand. "Jimin, I think it's best if you give mom some space," Hoonie says pulling me away from mommy and towards him. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask turning to face Hoonie. "No Jimin, you didn't do anything wrong," Honnie says brushing the hair out of my face. "I think it's time Jimin sees his real mother," Daddy says. Hoonie and Yoongi gasp. Mother glared at daddy. "Dad, are you sure?" Hoonie asks suprise and hesitantion didn't fail to show. "I am certain. I am sick of seeing him. All his mother does is whine and cry. I can't stand hearing those sounds. If Jimin wishes to stay with his mother then it final," Daddy says staring at me with a cold stare.

"Dad! You can't do that to Jimin!" Hoonie yells standing up. I slid off his lap and onto the floor with a thud. "I say what goes! I'm finally getting rid of this child I never wanted in the first place! He's a sin, the devil himself!" Daddy yelled pointing his finger at me. "At least let me show Him his mother. Knowing you, you'll just treat him just like his mother!" Hoonie shouts pulling me away. Yoongi followed close behind. I shake in Hoonie's arms. "It's okay Jimin, you'll be alright," Hoonie whispers into my ear. He puts me down and Kneels in front of me. "Chim Chim, I want you to know that, you'll always be my brother. I will always love you and never forget you. So please stay strong for me," I nod confused at my brother's sudden confession.

"Mommy, isn't your real mom. You were birthed from another. Father had an affair. You were born from father's affair. I know this is confusing and sudden, but you need to meet your really mom," Hoonie says hugging me tightly. "But Hoonie, If Mommy isn't my real mom then who is?" I ask confusion over whelming me. I heard chains being pulled and whimpers. I turn around to a horrifying sight. A small boy held down by chains. Tears coating his cheeks. Dirt and dried blood dirtying his skin. Dark blue and purple spots covered his skin. Whines left his lips as he tried to reach out to me. I slowly walk towards him. My eye widen and fear very prominent.

"Mine," his voice came out scratchy and painful. It sounded almost muffled. I inch closer reaching my hands out to his cheeks. His hands covered mine. Love and adoration filled his eyes and they roamed around me face. "Your my mommy?" I whisper softly. I was pulled into a sudden hug. Not minding the blood or dirt I hug the boy back. I felt the bond grow inside my heart. I start crying. My mommy started crying too. "Jimin, it's time for us to go," Hoonie says reaching his hands out. I shake my head violently clutching onto my mommy tighter. "I don't want to go!" I scream wrapping my leg around my mommy's waist. Hoonie gripped my waist. Mommy's grip loosened on me. I gasp clutching onto Mommy's hand. "Please Jimin," Hoonie pleads. I reluctantly let go of Mommy. Pain and sorrow fill my Mommy's eyes. I cry out swinging my arms and legs. "Calm down Jimin. Yoongi is going to carry your mom to your room. We are going to get him cleaned up, okay?" Hoonie whispers in my ear. I whimper seeing my mommy in pain. I nod my head seeing Yoongi unlocking the chains around my Mommy's feet and wrists. Yoongi picked him up and lead the way. Once we reached my room Mommy was placed onto my bed. I crawled up next to my mommy as soon as Hoonie let me down. Yoongi and Hoonie left. I cuddled into my Mommy's arms.

"Mommy, why do you have all these bruises?" I ask softly looking up into my Mommy's tired eyes. "Mommy hurts lots," Mommy says struggling to speak. "Why can't you speak?" I ask. "I no ed-ddduc," Mommy gave up trying to speak and had tears fall down his cheeks. "It's okay Mommy, your okay," I say brushing he tears away and kissing his nose. "Jimin, will you help Yoongi take your Mommy to the bathroom?" Hoonie asks when the two entered my room. I jump off my bed and onto the ground. Yoongi carefully sat Mommy up. I grabbed one of my Mommy's hands and gently pulled him into my bathroom. Yoongi helped Mommy into the bath tub. I sat on the closed toilet and swing my leg back and forth. Yoongi and Hoonie worked together to wash my Mommy. I smile happily when all the dirt and blood had been washed off Mommy's face and body. Yoongi and Hoonie pulled Mommy out of the tub. I help Hoonie dry my mommy off while Yoongi cleaned the tub. I also help dress my mommy into one of Hoonie's white button ups and a pair of boxers. Mommy didn't like the feeling of pant on and had me throw them to the side.

Hoonie and Yoongi left Mommy and I on my bed. "Mommy, your so pretty," I say running my hand over Mommy's cheek. Mommy had really long hair that reached his bottom. Mommy smiled at me and hugged me with as much strength as he had. "Go to sleep mommy," I say closing my eyes myself. My room didn't feel as lonely as it used to.

Baby ~ K.T.H+J.J.K (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now