Chapter 1.1: Flight From the Cliffs (Rough Draft)

Start from the beginning

Glancing around, I could sense that there wasn't anyone in the forest near me, or they were just as good at walking these woods as I was, and I'm sorry to say that would be impossible. No one is as good as I am. No one. I pause as I reach the tree-line entering Tall-Grass Clearing, and listen closely to the surrounding area, eyes scanning the tall razor-grass that I named the clearing after.

After several moments, there was a faint rustling, and I narrow my eyes. That wasn't the wind, I knew it wasn't. There was something within the grass, just about fifty feet away and moving away from my position. I run several ideas through my head and come up with a game plan. I fire an arrow at the rocks near the cliff marking the Falls, and then I make my way across while the unknown creature is investigating the noise.

The Half-Moon shines down brightly enough to illuminate my target, and I slip an arrow from over my shoulder, stringing it and drawing it back slowly, standing from my crouched position, and I take a soft breath, steadying myself. I hold the breath, then release it, and I let the arrow flash across the clearing. A low cry of alarm sounds out, and I run forward from the treeline, heading for the Grass while there is rustling running towards where I shot the arrow. I string another arrow, pushing myself to run as fast as I can.

"Someone shot at me, Jaclyn!" A voice yells out, and there's a reply in some odd language before I gasp as my bow gets extremely hot in my hands, causing me to drop it instinctively. I glance over my shoulders, and my heart stops in shock as I look back to see a male with dark silver hair, his hand pointed at me and a look of determination and a fierce scowl over his angular, slender features.

"YOU, STOP RIGHT THERE!" I hear him yell, and I take off running the other direction, heading for the edge of the clearing that I knew held my salvation from the likely death wish that I just signed. "AERON!"

Aeron? Who is Aeron, as that is certainly not me? I ignore the shout and continue to run, feet pounding over the dusty, hard earth, shoving my way through the tall, almost razor-sharp grass. I keep low and swift-moving, no longer holding anything to defend myself except for a few arrows in my quiver, and my bag. However, I figure that swinging a bag with a stone in it would be very harmful to someone. Enveloped in my thoughts, I think of how I am going to get out of the Grass Field and get home, and by the time that it registers to me, it's too late but to look up and let out a yell of fear, a dark shadow befalling me.

And the talons of a Dragon curl around my body and pluck me from the ground like I pluck an apple from a tree, the earth falling away at a dizzying rate as the beasts powerful wings force us further and further away from Earth. I can only manage a small scream of fear, before agony flashes through my mind as something tears its way into my mind and everything washes in and out of existence.

'How dare you, child, attack my Rider! I will drop you if you make one more peep!' A male voice snaps savagely within me, and I can only make a strangled whimper, causing the Dragon's talons to tighten around me. 'Name to me one reason why I should not rip you to pieces?!'

"M-M-My bag!..." I cry out. "D-D-Don't crush m-my bag!" I stutter, my voice slightly hoarse from a long ten years of not using it. That comment, however painful it was to say, seemed to get the Dragons attention, and he growls angrily.

'What is in the bag, Assassin? Why should I not just crush it, and you!' He snaps, and his talons curl inward, pain blossoming all over my body.

"T-The Black Stone! The one I found... Th-The Dragon Egg!"

And suddenly, the pain vanishes. The Dragon's tight grip fades instantly, and his head sweeps down to look at me fully. His dark amber eyes search mine as the savage assault within my thoughts fades, and the Dragon looks stunned. 'A Dragon egg?! You found a Dragon egg?! Where, child?! Why did you not say so? And why did you attack my Rider when you are in the company of two Dragon RIDERS?' He snorts, voice a bit more gentle.

"B-Because... Scared... Find Egg... You take egg away?... You try to catch and hurt me... Like father..." I pant, and the Dragon falls silent, then dives down swiftly, and I close my eyes tightly in fright, wind howling past my ears as Gravity warps, my sense of direction failing as the beast spirals and then flares his wings, releasing me gently and sending me tumbling to the ground with a cry of pained shock.

Then, two feet stop in front of my face as I open my eyes slowly, and a grinning face peering down at me as the Silver-haired male tilts his head gently. "Well well, what do we have here?"

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Just know that I am writing this when I can, when I'm not having to work, and I will constantly be going back and fixing little mistakes and making it better. This is just the first chapter and a Rough Draft at that! So please, bear with me~! Thank you~!

With Love!~

(Sean) Riley Everette

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